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The wind whistled through the trees, sending dry leaves fluttering to the ground. Moon moved through the tree house she had been living in with Zappy and his family since the great battle.

She emerged along a large tree branch, moving to join the smaller bronze dragon sitting farther along the branch.

Zappy glanced up at her, smiling.

"How are you feeling?" Moon asked, the same question she had asked each day for the past eight months.

Zappy shrugged, turning back to look at Snow-Fang as she launched herself off a branch, Vertigo behind her.

"Better," he said, the same answer he had been giving each day for the past eight months. "I might join Snow-Fang in flying lessons soon," he added with a grin, stretching his wings.

Moon settled down beside him, watching as Snow-Fang struggled to stay in the air. The last few months had been very quiet, the different tribes seeming to get along together.

Flamer had kept in touch, sending Claw the eagle to Moon with letters and messages. The last letter had told her that Flamer and Pebble had been voted leader of the Stormriders, and they were settling in well. The dragons of the Misfits who had been staying with them were still viewed with some suspicion, but seemed to be fitting in.

The beating of wings broke Moon from her thoughts, and she glanced up, Zappy beside her doing the same.

Freedom broke through the trees, Amadi following.

"Freedom! Twink – Amadi!" Moon called, standing. Zappy beside her did the same, grinning as he greeted his friends. They hadn't seen Freedom since the battle, and Moon had often wondered where she was.

The golden Sharpshooter nodded, settling on the branch. Her body language was different, her wings dropped and her eyes were filled with grief. Even her brilliant golden scales were duller than usual.

"Hello Moon," Amadi said, smiling and swishing her tail. "I haven't seen you for a while."

"It's good to see you both again," Moon said.

Zappy nodded, moving forward slightly.

"What's the news?" he asked, sensing that Freedom had something to say. "And how are you liking travelling with Freedom?" he asked Amadi.

"It's better than the Stormriders and Misfits; normal life was getting a little dull after being captured and escaping the Stormriders," the green dragon answered with a grin.

Zappy nodded, grinning.

"Good for you," he said. "But there's always a place for you with the Misfits."

"Maybe one day," Amadi said.

Freedom spoke now, for the first time. Her voice was quiet, and it was obvious she was still getting over Darkfire's death.

"Beware the enemies you thought were friends," she all but whispered. "Firelily had gone to join Fang."

"What!" Moon cried, starting forward. She turned to look at Zappy, and the two stared at each other, shocked.

"She can't have," Zappy whispered.

Freedom nodded.

"I saw her," she said simply. "She's gone."

Moon sat down again, feeling numb. Firelily had joined Fang? But why? Firelily was her friend... wasn't she? Sure, she had been angry at Moon, but she wouldn't betray her friends? Right?

"I could have done something," she whispered. Zappy moved closer to her, laying a wing over her body.

"It's not your fault," he said quietly.

"But I could have saved Boulder. Then she wouldn't have run. She wouldn't have blamed me."

Freedom and Amadi exchanged glances, before turning back to Moon and Zappy.

"I'm sorry," Freedom said. "I thought it best you know, in case you find out in another way." She shifted nervously and flapped her wings.

"Thank you," Moon said, looking up again.

Freedom nodded, then jumped into the air. Amadi followed.

"We may not see you again. Goodbye Moon," Freedom said.

"Thank you Freedom," Moon said. "Thank you for everything."

The two Sharpshooters flew through the trees, leaving Moon and Zappy huddled together on the branch.

Moon sighed, leaning against Zappy's embrace. She had lost another friend, yes, but sitting here, in a land of peace, not worrying about any war or battle, Zappy beside her, she felt safe. Happy even. No matter how many enemies they faced, no matter how many friends they lost, as long as they were together, they would survive.

They sat together, purple and bronze, high above the world, and it felt right.


By: Ranger_of_the_North

Fang stood motionless, staring up at the cold stars. Stars had always intrigued him during his hatchling years; he'd wanted to sparkle like them: a comforting beacon for those lost—but later they'd enraged him.

Dragons were rulers of the world, who should do what they want and subdue anything standing in their way, yet no one had reached the stars and none could. They hung just above reach, twinkling defiantly and forever reminding him of the dazzling scales he longed for—and deserved.

Taking revenge on the starry hosts was a hopeless endeavour that he sought to achieve, lusting after the power that would come from controlling the very sky itself.

Suddenly uncomfortable, Fang stretched like a cat and rose to his feet, digging his claws into the dirt in a frenzy of indecision, and releasing the frustration he was forced to conceal amongst other dragons. If his followers knew he had no idea what to do next they would almost certainly desert him.

The black drake snapped his neck up, snarling softly with ominously flared wings as movement caught his eye. Silently he watched, as a shooting star arrowed across the sky in the direction of the far-off ocean, and a small smile curled his snout.

He didn't know where his path lay yet; didn't know what his next move was—didn't even know if ruling the Stormriders and eradicating the Sharpshooters was possible anymore—but if he journeyed over the sea he could hide and make his decision in safety; maybe make a new start on another island.

Triumph resonating in his chest, Fang dashed forward, skidding between trees as he made for the small hill where he'd last seen his mate to-be.

She still sat atop its crest, regal and beautiful in the moonlight, and he felt his heartbeat quicken.

Fang had always desired her. Even in the HatchlingCaves he had wanted her, and soon—when they were old enough—she would be his.

Settling down next to the drakaina, Fang draped a possessive wing over her body and hissed his intentions into her ear.

Orange scales shifted under his wing, contrasting sharply against his dark raiment as she twisted to look at him, anguish in her eyes.

"Fang, do we have to leave?"

"Yes," he snarled. Sudden fury filled him and he whipped his tail up, lashing it threateningly before her eyes.

The drakaina's only response was a miserable whimper, and Fang grew silent, savouring her torment.

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