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Life settled into a routine after Luna's battle with Magma. She was woken early by Tornado, and went down to train with Firefly, a large maroon male dragon, with a temper to match his colour.

After all morning of battling with him, she had and quick lunch, and went to join the other young dragons, as they listened to Blizzard, a small black female, teach them about battle strategy and past fights. Sweetclaw then took them out of the volcano and taught them flying.

Then they had dinner, and after dinner they had spare time. Luna spent most of her's with Lily and Flamer, tending to the small herb garden that the healer had made. Often, Pebble, Flamer's mate, was with them.

One day, about a week after the battle, she returned to her room to find a visitor. Claw the eagle was sleeping on her rock table, his head tucked under his wing.

"Claw?" Luna whispered.

The eagle looked up, and cawed softly.

"Luna. You here." He shook himself.

"Did you get the message to Zappy?" she asked.

"Claw lost message, but remember what happened. Claw tell him."

"Is he alright?" she asked, worried about her friend.

"With Flare, his mother."

"Tell me everything!" Luna cried.

So Claw told her everything that Zappy had told him, the Sharpshooters home, the attack, wounding Cobalt, being banished, finding his family, Birch joining him and the fact that Flare and Bloodfang were nest mates.

Luna was quite, resting her head on her paws. The only feeling she had was guilt. Birch, Zappy's new friend, had joined him because someone had killed her father. And her father was Cobalt, a blue dragon who had been wounded. Luna had killed him to become a member of the Stormriders.

"Slash Zappy ask if you are Moon, or Luna?" Claw said.

Luna sighed; she felt more like Luna then Moon at the moment. Luna was the blood thirsty one, the one that killed, the one that Obsidian and Magma would use to kill all the Sharpshooters. Moon was the kind dragon, the dragon that was friends with Zappy. The dragon whose only worry was that Sparkles would burn her books.

"I don't know," she said. "I feel more like Luna. But I wouldn't have him call me that." She looked up, an idea come to her. "Ask him if he's met a dragon called Darkfire, a Stormshooter."

"If he is now living with the misfits, then he might have meet Darkfire." She found herself hoping that he hadn't, Darkfire was her friend.

Claw nodded.

"Anything else Luna tell Zappy?" he asked.

"Yes," Luna said, and quickly told the eagle what had happened over the last few days. "Fly carefully," she called as the eagle flew up through the sky hole. "Winter is coming on, don't get caught in a blizzard."

The eagle lifted a wing and was gone.


The days went by quickly. Luna only noticed the changing of the seasons when they went flying, the winds were wilder, the heat from the volcano and the cool air tossing her around.

She grew a better fighter, even without the Bloodlust. She could stand her own against Firefly, and sometimes even beat him. She worked hard, though she wasn't sure why, learning names, places and great battles (all of which Stormriders won).

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