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Moon blinked her eyes open, but no light came into them. Panic filled her, was she blind?

She lifted her head, looking around for some light, any light. Anything to let she see. She shook her head from side to side, her right eye throbbing.

Suddenly, she felt a paw on her back. Stiffening, she turned towards the owner.

"Its okay Moon, you're safe." The voice belonged to Darkfire. She could vaguely remember him talking to her before she passed out.

"Am I blind?" she asked, worry in her voice.

"No, we had to cover you eyes. You may lose sight in your right though," Darkfire answered.

Moon dropped her head down, relief filling her. She wasn't blind. She may lose sight in one eye, but she would still be able to see.

"Now go back to sleep, you need to recover your strength. That was some fight you put up."

Moon nodded, closing her eyes. She had thousands of questions to ask, but she was too tired to put them into words. She slowly drifted off to sleep.


When she woke again, she was greeted by the same darkness. She forced back the panic, and closed her eyes, using her other senses to figure out what was around her.

She heard the rustle of a tail moving along the ground, the scent of fire, and felt something move past her.

"Who's there?" she asked, turning her head towards the dragon that was in the room with her. "Zappy? Is that you?" Hope filled her, surly someone would have told Zappy that she was here, and he would have come.

"Its me," she heard Darkfire say, and her heart sank. "Who's Zappy?" he asked.

She frowned, wouldn't he know Zappy? There wouldn't be that many dragons with the misfits.

"Don't you know him? He's a bronze sharpshooter, my nestmate. He joined the Misfits a few months ago. He's the son of Flare."

She felt something move, and guessed that Darkfire has shaken his head.

"I haven't heard of him. Or Flare for that matter. And I know all the dragons with us."

Worry filled Moon, and she tried to stand. Had Claw been mistaken? Surely he had said that Zappy was with the Misfits. But he wasn't here.

"Lie still Moon," Darkfire said, laying a claw on her back. But Moon had lain still long enough, she needed to find Zappy. She shook Darkfire's claw off, and ripped at the bandage over her eyes. She blinked in the light as she pulled it off.

She was in a huge room, inside the trunk of a massive tree. A large window, big enough for a dragon of Obsidian's size to fit though, was on the wall of the tree, about halfway up. All along the walls of the room, were platforms, each with a nest in them, most with a dragon.

Moon was near the top, and looking down. She could see many types of dragons, both Sharpshooters and Stormriders. Other dragons were flying around, tending to them. The was had not left the Misfits unscathed.

"Moon! Calm down!" Darkfire cried. She took deep breaths, looking around. Her left eye was fine, she could see out of it. But her right eye was dead. She could see nothing, not even light.

She whipped her head around, and saw Darkfire, standing to her right. He was holding up a claw, trying to calm her.

"My eye," she whispered.

"I told you, you might lose sight in your right eye." He sighed, putting his claw down. "Now lie back down, Primrose will not be happy to see you with that bandage off."

Moon shook her head, tried of lying around and doing nothing. She stood, winching at the pain in her leg, another wound from her battle with Bloodfang.

"I need to find my friend. I can rest after I found him, we've been apart too long." Suddenly, she remembered why she had left the Stormriders. She turned to Darkfire.

"I need you to do something for me," she said. He nodded.

"Anything for you Moon."

"Obsidian and Magma, the leaders of the Stormriders, plan to empty the HatchingCaves. My mother, Tornado, and I, were ordered to gather any Stormrider hatchlings, and kill the rest." She looked into his eyes. "Please stop her! She will go ahead with it either way, and I don't want to know that all those hatchings are dead."

Darkfire nodded.

"I'll talk to out leader, Breeze," he said. Sighing, he asked; "Are you sure you don't want to stay here longer? You need to recover."

Moon shook her head.

"I think something bad has happened to Zappy. I need to find him. Perhaps working together we can stop this senseless war."

Darkfire looked into her eye, and smiled.

"Good luck Moon," he whispered. "Don't die."

She gave a wiry smile.

"I'll do my best not to," she said, before leaping out of the hospital room, and flying into the air.


The huge tree that the hospital was in wasn't the only giant. There were about ten, each huge, making Moon feel tiny.

She looked up at them, in awe that something could grow so large. But she soon left them behind, flying in the direction she thought was the Sharpshooter land. If Zappy wasn't with the Misfits, he would be at the Sharpshooters.

"Why are you not resting?" Moon whipped her head around, some one was coming up on her blind side.

Freedom flew beside her, grinning. The raven that was with her flew beside the golden dragon.

"You're still not fully recovered," she said.

"I can fly, and I need to find my friend," Moon grunted, her leg paining her.

Freedom sighed.

"Well, why are you going to the GreatSea?" she asked. "Does he live there?"

Moon stopped for a second, before continuing flying.

"The GreatSea?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's this way." Freedom grinned. "So does he live there? Or are you going in the wrong direction?"

Moon sighed, and lighted on a tree.

"I guess I'm going the wrong way then," she said. "Which way to the Sharpshooter's territory?"

"Are you sure you want to go there? I mean, you're a Stormrider..." Freedom said, landing beside her.

Moon felt a rush of irritation.

"I am aware that I am a Stormrider," she hissed through gritted teeth. "I am aware that they are Sharpshooters. I am also aware that out tribes are at war. But I am also aware that my friend my be in trouble, and I'm not going to let a petty hate between species to get between me and my best friend!"

She stepped closer to the golden dragon, and she stepped back.

"Ok-ay," Freedom said, "I'll take you, but don't attack me."

Moon stopped, and lowered her wings.

"Sorry," she muttered. 'What is wrong with me? I didn't mean to scare her. Is it my Bloodlust?'

Freedom nodded, and leapt into the air. Moon followed, troubled.

Misfits of Vernada  ~Wattys2016~Where stories live. Discover now