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He Saved Me

Chapter 20

Cameron and I headed to the party together. The entire ride there, there was a sick pain in my stomach. Like I couldn't really explain it. Moments from the last party I attended flooded my mind. If Luke wasn't there to stop me from jumping I wouldn't be here right now. If Luke hadn't kissed Bridget I wouldn't have tried ending my life. If I never met Luke I wouldn't have developed feelings for him. Although, if I never met Luke I wouldn't have laughed so much and fell in love. Now he was gone because I had pushed him away.

"Hey, babe. What you thinking so deeply about? I hope it's me," Cameron smirked.

We reached a house with loud pounding music.

I let out a small giggle. "Of course I'm thinking of you," I lied.

He replied by pressing his lips on mine. I quickly pulled away which made him groan.

"Are you trying to play hard to get?" he asked.

I ignored him and walked towards the house. I heard him laugh as he caught up with me. I pushed open the door to see neon lights flashing everywhere.

I glanced around to see sweaty bodies dancing and people with the casual red cup in their hands. I looked further left and my eyes finally caught sight of the real thing I was looking for. Luke. He was standing with a girl looking bored. Amber was babbling about something that I couldn't hear cause they were too far.

Suddenly, Luke turned his head to my direction. Our eyes met and my heart literally melted. I quickly looked away when I felt someone touch my waist.

"Let's go grab a drink," Cameron whispered in my ear.

We walked to the kitchen to be greeted by Lilliana. She squealed at the sight of me. Then she ran towards me with her arms wide. I embraced her with a hug.

"Mary! Its been way too long. Oh my, you know what this means? We need to play a game!" Lilliana screamed.

A game.

"I'm not sure," I said.

"Oh come on Mary!"

"Yes, Mary. Come on!" imitated Cameron.

They're right what's the worst that could happen.

"Fine," I grumbled.

Lilliana squealed and began looking for players.

"Wait Lilliana, what game do you have in mind?" I asked.

"My favorite game of course, SPIN THE BOTTLE!"

I stopped and my stomach began to squeeze itself. I watched as Liliana asked Luke and Amber to play. They nodded their head.

"You ready to play?" Cameron asked.

"I guess. Why don't we sit."

He nodded and we walked over to the dinning table. There was already a bottle in the middle when I took a seat. A few seconds someone took a seat on next to me. It wasn't Cameron because he was seated on the other side. I glanced up to see Luke.

"I hope you don't mind," Luke said.




I waited as more players came. Lilliana really knew how to get people playing this stupid game. I don't understand how this is her favorite game. Ugh.

That's when I see Bridget. She was heading toward the table.

"You can't be serious," I whispered to myself.

He Saved MeWhere stories live. Discover now