Hello, Again

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He Saved Me

Chapter 38


We got back home and thanked Carrie and Jeff for having us over. They were so kind and their home just felt so welcoming. I only hoped that we would have dinner with them again soon. I haven't felt that much acceptance from a family or home since my Mother.

Although I wanted to stay longer, I was eager to find out what Cameron was going to tell me. There was so much about Cameron that I didn't know. Was it weird to say that I wanted to know more. Not because I should know but just because I genuinely wanted to know more about him.

Cameron is very different from before. I won't deny it, but I still need to keep my guard up. For all I know, this could just be an act.

The house was the same as we left it. I took a seat on the couch in the living room and he did the same. He had sat next to me with his head down and his hands in his lap.

"This house has actually only been vacant for 13 years. My Uncle didn't want it. He said it reminded him too much of his older brother, my father," he said. "He didn't have the guts to sell this house though. He also forbade us from coming back here. To make sure it happened we moved out of the state."

There was a short moment of silence till he continued again.

"I don't know if anyone would have actually bought this house though. My parents had committed suicide here. I think it was murder. Steven and I discovered their bodies when got home from school. You might be thinking why did I bring us here. Well, this was the only place I actually felt at home. Yes, my parents died here but...," his voice cracked.

I reached out my hand to place it on top of his. He finally lifted his head. All I could see was sadness in his eyes. Losing a parent is terrible, but losing two is just vile.

"When I was 13, I ran away. My uncle and I got in a really big fight, so I just ran. I took a bus and came all the way here. I spent the night here, slept on my parent's bed. The next day I rode a bus back."

He was broken. Just like me. Maybe even worst.

"When I turned 16, my Uncle introduced me his 'company'. I had no choice but to go through with it. Steven made me. We fought so much because of it. I lost him because of it. I lost myself too."

He had a few tears trickle down his cheek. My heart ached for him. To comfort him, I embraced him in a hug. Sometimes all you need is warmth.

We held that position for a minute. I pulled away but only leaving a few inches of space between our faces. I could feel so much tension. I knew what was going to happen next so I quickly moved away.

"I'm sorry, Cameron. I didn't know," I apologized.

"It's okay."


I couldn't believe my eyes. It can't be. How?

"Mary," he said in a soft voice.

How was he here? Why can't I say anything?

Instead of responding to him, I turned around and started speed walking away. I wanted to be as far away as possible. That was when I heard him call my name.

Luke was calling my name.

I made it out to the parking lot but he was too quick. He caught up and jerked me backwards. I was forced to face him. He had his hand around my wrists to keep me from escaping.

"This shouldn't be happening," I murmured to myself. "Josh. Oh, that stupid Josh. He did this. He did this on purpose," I cried.

"Josh wanted to talk to me about that night your Mother died. That's why I'm here," he said.

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