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He Saved Me

Chapter 32


Cameron quickly turned around. As soon as he saw me he smiled. Although, his smile was very weak or unreal.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Honestly, not good. Luke didn't deserve any of this. If he dies, I have no one to blame but myself," I answered.

"He loves you. What do you expect," he answered back.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, yes, he deserved what happened to him because.... he loves you."

I looked away, unable to say anything. I mean, he was right.

"I'm sorry if I worded that in an offensive way," he blurted.

I shook my head side to side. "No, it's fine."

I walked over to him. We both stared outward at the dark, night sky. It was a full moon. The cold winter wind gave me shivers.

"Mary, we can't stay here," Cameron blurted.

I quickly turned to him to find him already looking at me.

"We? And what do you mean?" I asked, a little harshly.

"They're not going to leave us alone. Steven. Derion. And there are more of them. We, well you, now know their secret," Cameron explained.

"I'm not leaving Luke," I answered.

"If you don't leave him, you'll be putting his life in danger. They'll find out he's still alive and make sure he is dead the next time they encounter him."

I wasn't able to answer. I didn't know what to say. I can't leave Luke, not now. I also can't just leave my life here. I've been living in this place for my entire life. I haven't even finished school.

"What about my life?" I asked. "I never asked for this."

He frowned unable to say anything. He's probably blaming himself. I'm honestly blaming him too. Although, I can't help but blame myself too. I pushed myself away from people that care about me and I ended up hanging with the wrong people.

"I promise that you'll still live a normal life," Cameron mumbled.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I don't know yet, but I will."

"It won't change anything," I stated.

"I know, but still."


I walked around the hospital. I ended up with the conclusion that Cameron was right. But, at the same time I kept asking myself what I was doing with my life. How the hell did I end up here. The love of my life just got shot, my father is in jail, my mother is dead, and I'm moving away from my hometown with a guy I had a fling with.

After awhile, I reached the waiting room where I took a seat on one of the chairs closest to the wall. William was no where to be found.

I fell asleep and got up to find the morning sun. I walked towards the front desk and asked for the patient Luke Collins. She had told me that he just had went through surgery. I paused for a bit, unable to say anything.

"Is he....-"

"Fine?" she asked and I nodded. "Yes. You can actually visit him, although, I don't think he's conscious at the moment. His room number is 257."

"Thank you," I said and quickly rushed towards his room.

Within seconds, I was outside his door. I hesitated to open it at first. If he was unconscious was it worth it to go in? I shook my head and forced myself to open the door.

In the middle of the room was a bed and on it was a sleeping, Luke. I quietly grabbed a chair and placed it next to the bed.

I sat there in silence. I then reached for his hand.

"Luke," I mumbled. "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'm leaving. As in I'm leaving town. I don't want to, but it's the only way to make sure you are safe. If I had a different option, I would choose that but I don't."

"Luke, I want you to know how grateful I am to have met you. I never knew someone, like you, could care so much about me. Even love me. I remember when we first met in Chemistry. You were trying to be all nice and of course, I was being a jerk. I remember when you asked me to go to the party with you and I rejected you. I remember you saving my life. I remember the first time we kissed. I remember when we went grocery shopping and you were making fun of me because I didn't know what Nutella was. I remember going camping and you opening up to me about your mother. I remember you being there for me when my Mother passed away. I remember that night."

I was crying at that moment. I couldn't help it. What sucked even more was that he couldn't respond.

"I finally found out what true love was and it isn't stupid. It is real."

"I know this is a long goodbye. I don't even know if you can hear me. You probably can't. I don't know when I'll be back or if I'll even be back. Luke, I love you. Thank you, for everything."

I quickly stood up and walked out of the room. If I stayed there any longer, I don't think I would have been able to leave.

I rushed down the hall and found William with a coffee cup in his hand. He gave me a confused look. I walked past him but he quickly grabbed my arm.

"Mary! What's wrong? Where are you going?" he asked.

"William, I can't right now," I cried.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell Luke I said thank you."

Before he could reply, I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked away. I was outside the building within a few minutes. My heart was racing and there were tears still streaming down my eyes.

I found Cameron outside, smoking a cigarette. As soon as he saw me he threw it and rushed towards me.

"Mary? Are you okay?" he asked.

"Lets leave. Please," I blurted.

"Right now? Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. If we don't leave now, I might change my mind."

Cameron nodded and turned around and started walking towards the parking garage. I quickly followed him.

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