An Encounter

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He Saved Me 

Chapter 40 


I was able to enroll into a school near by. It was about a 7 minute drive from the house to school. Jeff and Carrie had helped both us. I guess they had connections with the administrators. Cameron was going to finish her Senior year and I would finish my Junior year. 

Cameron had also found a job that deals with mechanics. The salary was about $25 an hour which was a lot better than just minimum wage. I had also found a job at a care home. My salary was about $9 less than Cameron's. 

I chose this job because it was somewhat related to nursing. I really wanted to get more experience and I also loved helping others especially my elders. 

My first day at the new school was good. I never thought I would be able to say that again. School back home was just terrible. I was always being made fun of and I also felt alone even though I had friends. I was excited to start at a new school and make new friends. It was nice to be given a fresh start. 

My first class was Anatomy and Physiology. I had sat next to this girl. She had glasses on and was wearing a black shirt with the Beetles. 

"Hi!" she chirped.  

"Hello," I said back with a smile. 

"You must be new here! I haven't seen you before," she smiled back. "My name is Sasha!"

"Yes, I'm new. My name is Mary."

"If you want, during lunch I can give you a tour of the school even though it's pretty small," she laughed. 

"I'd like that! Thank you!" 

Little did I know we were gonna be best friends. 


We've been going to school for about two weeks now. Sasha and I have hung out almost everyday, other than the weekends. This was the first weekend that we had planned to do something together. 

"Cameron, do you think I can have a friend come over tomorrow night?" I asked. 

"Mary, this is also your house now too. You don't have to ask permission. I'm pretty sure we are in the clear now," he replied. 

I would see Cameron around school but we never really hung out. He had made friends pretty easily. 

"We were gonna have dinner and I was wondering if you wanted to join," I said.

"With Sasha right?"

I nodded to his question. 

"Sure," he said. 

Ever since we started school things have gotten a little weird between us. Actually, it probably started Valentine's Day. I wanted things to be okay between us, especially since we were living together. 

I had accidentally forgot to mention to Cameron that Sasha was bringing her boyfriend for dinner as well. Well, I can only hope he is okay with that. 


"Let's go to your Aunt," Luke said.

I widened my eyes and stopped sipping on my iced tea. 

"I don't even know where she lives. I wouldn't even know what to say to her. I mean what if she really is the one?" I babbled. 

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