Happy Again...

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He Saved Me

Chapter 15

* Luke's POV*

Mary sprinted toward her house. I glanced at my brother to see him shrug. I ignored him and opened my door to follow her.

As I reached the front of her house I immediately notice that it was on fire. Fire. There was smoke everywhere. A few feet ahead of me was Mary. I walked up to her to see that she was on her phone.

"She won't answer. Luke she won't fucking answer!" she yelled.

I didn't know what to do, so I pulled her into my arms. I could tell she was trying so hard not to cry and to think positively.

That's when a scream came from the house. Mary quickly pulled away from me.

"Mom!" she screamed. She replied back with another scream. Mary then ran straight towards the front door. I ran after her and grabbed her hand to yank her away from the house.

"Mary! You can't go in there!" I yelled at her.

She turned to face me. Her eyes were watery from tears. My heart ached seeing her like this, but I wasn't going to allow her to get in.

"Luke, my Mother is in there, let me go," she cried. She tried to pull my hand away from her, but I gripped her harder.

I turned to my right to see William on the phone. Then fire exploded and cracked the window of which I believe was the kitchen.

I turned back to Mary who was crying to let her go. I could see the pain in her eyes, but I didn't dare loosen my grip.

"Well, look who we have here," a deep masculine voice said.

Mary and I quickly turned to face the direction of where the voice was coming from. Her father was standing right in front of us. He looked worst than ever. His beard looked like it hasn't been shaved for months.

I could feel Mary's body tense. I made her pulled away, but I still held onto her hand.

"You should have been there," he said. "There with your crying Mother."

Mary gasped and fell to the floor. I followed her and glared at her father. I couldn't believe it.

"You burned you're own wife alive?" I said. He answered by approaching me and grabbing me the collar.

"You want to join her Mom because I would be glad to. You're the reason this all started. If you wouldn't have entered Mary's life. This wouldn't have happened," he barked at my face.

I wasn't able to do
anything because he was right.
It was all my fault.

He threw me to the ground next to Mary. I couldn't look at her. I was the reason she was crying. I'm the reason her Mother's...gone.

Suddenly, the sound of a fire truck and ambulance echoed throughout the place. Mary's Dad's eyes widened and he began running. I was about to chase after him, but Mary stopped me.

"Luke, it's useless. She's gone," she mumbled. Her face was soaked in tears. I walked back to her and wrapped her in my arms.

"I'm so sorry," I repeated over and over again.


The police were able to catch her father. Mary was currently sitting down on the grass. As they were watering out the fire. She had stopped crying. Damn, she's strong. After everything that happened, she's still standing.

I stared at her constantly, hoping she wouldn't catch me. I wanted to be next to her, but she wanted to be alone. A few seconds later she stood up. I turned left to see a stretcher being pulled out of the house. A body was on top, her Mom. I glanced at Mary who had her hand covering her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut as they brought her Mom inside the ambulance.

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