Principal Craven: Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to another year at Isaac Asimov Preparatory Academy. Your last, I might add. Your senior year is arguably one of the most important in all of education. It's chock full of milestones and we'll be there to guide you every step of the way. If you have any questions, my office is right there. Don't be afraid to come in. With that being said, congrats and go show the world what Isaac Asimov Preparatory Academy is made of.
Rosie: Stoners and sluts....
(Rosie and her brother Casey sees Cathy walking around looking lost.)
Casey: New girl?...
Rosie: New girl...
(Cathy walks throughout the school in order to familiarize herself with it. Suddenly, she hears a voice.)
Rosie: So where are you from?
(Cathy jumps up, spooked.)
Casey: With that ensemble going on, we picked either Seattle or a little town in Canada.
Cathy: I'm from Las Vegas.
Casey (sarcastically): Look at that. We were close.
Rosie: We picked somewhere without a lot of sunshine since your skin gives off the vibe that you seem to lack a needed amount of Vitamin D.
Cathy: (laughs) That's funny. Be honest. Do I give off the vibe of a new girl?
Rosie and Casey: Yes.
Cathy: It's obvious, huh? I was just trying to find all my classes before school starts tomorrow. Isaac Asimov Preparatory Academy looks rather large.
Casey: Ooohh God. You are new.
Cathy: I'm sorry?
Rosie: We don't mean offense. None of us call the school by its full name.
Cathy: Then...what do you call it?
Rosie and Casey: iPrep.
Cathy: I don't get it.
Casey: It's a reference to the guy the school is named after, Isaac Asimov. He's the author of the book iRobot so we call the school iPrep.
Cathy: I like it.
Rosie: And you'll like it here... Just kidding. That was a lie. You're gonna hate it.
Casey: But if you stick with us, we'll make your time here easier.
Cathy: That's sweet. Thanks. I've never made friends right off the bat like this.
Rosie: Well, you must have been going to the wrong schools.
(Everyone in the hallways whispers and seek to have heavy conversations. Some look at their phones and gasps in horror.)
Casey: What's going on? Did everyone find out about the lunch schedule?
Rosie: No, silly. Remember what I told you before Orientation started? The Murder Murderer is back.
Casey: Oh yeah...
Cathy: The Murder Murderer?
Casey: You've never heard of The Murder Murderer?
Cathy: Nope.
Rosie: It was one of the biggest serial killers in the early 80s. I'm surprised you never heard about it. They even made a made for TV movie about it in the mid 90s.
Casey: Ugh. But it was terrible. I can't believe Tim Allen got an Emmy for that...
Rosie: I'll say it again. It was the material, not him.
Casey: Yeah yeah...
Cathy: I'm certain I never heard about it. Me & my dad used to watch America's Most Wanted all the time when I was a child. I was obsessed with stuff like that.
Rosie: Well, if you're gonna be a Murderian, you've got to know our history.
Casey: And what history that was...
SLASHER! Episode 1-"Don't Hold Your Breath"
HorrorA Northeastern town gets bombarded with the resurgence of an early 1980s serial killer, much to the surprise of the townsfolk as the original culprit is currently on Death Row for his monstrous crimes.