He's Here I Cant Believe It

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I woke up and noticed school was today it was the first day of 8th grade. I went to my closet and got Blake's clothes and his jacket. I went down stairs and got a pop tart. I ate it and got orange juice and brushed my teeth. I watched TV when it was time to go. When the bus was here I got my black boots on and put my hair in a messy bun. I ran to the bus and got on I texted Blake.

Hope you have a good day at your new school. Love you

Thank you and you have a good day back to school. Love you to

Okay but it will be hard.

Why would it be hard?

Because your not here with me.

Awe I'm sorry I gotta go almost at school bye babe love you.

Bye babe love you to.

I am at school again in a while. Yay school. Lol I'm not exited, well I am exited to meet new people and make friends. I walk in school to my locker and open it and put my stuff in it what I don't need so I walk to my first class and sit down in the back because I like the back.

My teacher is a girl her name is Mrs Mary. She passed all of us a work sheet. I was working on it for 30 minutes. While I was so into my work the door opens and I slowly look up and gazed at the person. Omg is that. I stood up crying I instantly ran to him people were staring at me but I didn't care I ran to him and he saw me and he hugged me back and I said what are you doing here?

I live here now and I go to this school and I guess you go to this school to. Yup and o you realize people are looking at us. Yes I know cause you were running like an idiot. Hey no I wasn't I smacked him in the arm and Mrs Mary said aye Alexia don't hit the new student!! Oh Mrs Mary we are dating. Its a long story.

Okay well go take your sheets please. Okay. We sit down next to each other and we are smiling big at each other. We did our homework. While I did my homework he held my hand. The teacher caught us holding hands. The teacher Said guys stop doing what your doing and get to work.

Nah no thanks I'm good. Blake Ryder you will get a detenshion. Blake don't babe, not on your first day. Hey we were just holding hands its not like we were kissing. You just earned yourself a detenshion. Awe Blake why. I don't know I didn't do anything she just gave me a detenshion. Wonna join. Um no I want good grades.

I kissed Alexia and told Mrs Marry Alexia kissed me. Mrs Marry Alexia kissed me. What no I didn't lier. You kissed me!! Alexia you have a detenshion. But I didn't (cut of my Mrs Mary) Aye do not argue with me young lady! detenshion.

Why would you do that. I am so mad at you. I'm not talking to you. Come on Alexia it was funny. I glared at Blake. And went straight to my homework that would be homework since I could finish it during detenshion. Alexia can't be mad at me forever.

The time past, school was over but not for Blake and I. We stayed after school. We had to clean up the room and do our homework. Thirty minutes past. And she said we can go home. Don't get in to trouble again kids or that would be an hour of detenshion. Okay Mrs Mary we won't. I had to say it since Blake not a good boy he was going to talk back so I was talking.

Hey that wasn't that bad was it. Yes it was bad how could you do this. Well I just wanted to be alone with you in class. I'm sorry. Really your sorry now my parents are going to ask me why did you get a detenshion and ground me. How much I hate saying this but really its your fault. Please just leave me alone Blake. I I I don't want to leave you. Plus its dangerous to walk alone home. Okay but don't talk to me. Okay.

Ring ring I got a text.

I'm sorry babe I love you

Don't talk to me.

I'm texting you its different.

While they were walking on the sidewalk and texting each other. Alexia went on the road she didn't look both ways a car was ten feet away from her. It almost got her but Blake saw it before it hit her he ran as fast and she could and tackled her away from the road he tackled her five feet from the car.

She had an anxiety attack. She got scrapes so did I. I saw her blacked out and the car immediately stopped and went out and called 911. The ambulence got here straight away. And took the girl and boy in the ambulence and sped off to the hospital. They got there quick and went in and got them a room and did exrays.

The boy was fine the girl had a concushion. She had to go in surgery for the cuts. The boy was just laying I. Bed sleeping till there parents walked in. Honey? Oh my god honey what happend? I'll tell you later mom. The nurse walked in and said the Blake's parents he needs to rest.

A couple hours later Alexia was out of surgery it went good the doctor told me. My parents came in and they were crying. Oh my sweatie are you okay while giving me a light hug. I'm fine mom. Tell me what happend. I don't remember. Wait did that guy come meet you. Wait mom you new he was here and oh my gosh where is he!!

Where is he!! I need to see Blake now. I'm slowly getting up but the nurse held me down and said he's fine he's fine just calm down. How and I suppose to calm down when we are in the hospital. Tell me where he is I need to see him. They gave me a shot to calm down.

I was slowly going to bed I herd my parents voice saying will she be fine and then I was sleeping. A few hours I woke up thinking about if Blake is okay I slowly sat up and I saw the nurse and she helped me up. She said I'm guessing you want to see Blake?

Us I do take me to him. I was walking when I saw his room. I walked to him he was watching criminal minds he saw me in tears and ran to me and gave me a soft warm hug and said I'm sorry this happens I didn't want you to get ran over I just had to. I know your mad at me still and I don't care I just love you so much.

I'm not mad anymore Blakey I love you so much and thank you so much for saving me again.

I don't know why your getting yourself into trouble a lot and I always have to take care of you. Do you want me to protect you for now on?

Yes please, please protect me I hugged him tight, I don't care if I hurt myself as long as I'm with him I'm safe.

Okay now Alexia for now on when we are walking outside we don't text or be on our phones okay?

Okay when can we leave Blakey?

In a few minutes but we can't go to school well I can since I didn't get hurt that bad. I just have to get my bandage on and some crutches you will need some to. Okay the doctor came in and asked me if evrythig was alright. I said yes but still a little pain.

I'll give you crutches so you can walk. Okay thank you. He came back in a few minutes and gave me them and I started walking with them. Yay now if someone I don't know comes near me I can pime them hard on the toe. Haha. We are walking out of the hospital with our family and I still didn't know how my parents new he was here. Mom dad how do you know he was here because they live next to us honey. Woe woe woe wait what did you say.

I started walking faster to Blakey. Hey neighbor how's it going I'm smiling so big that everyone around me can see my face clear. Wait your my neighbor? Yes yes I am yay I can't wait to go home. Few more minutes till we are home. I closed my eyes for two more minutes now we are home. I went in my room and just played on my bed thinking wear his room would be. I got a knock on my window and I went over there and freaked out. Omg your room is there? Yes it is.

We were talking through our windows for hours and he finely invited me in his room.

Omg I know you hate me right now for doing this but trust me it will get better ad they grow up. Please like it if you like it and tell me what I should put next I might say your names on here for my friends. Don't forget to like and comment.

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