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The morning came. I woke up it was bright. I got out of bed and went down stairs to get a drink of water I went back up stairs and went to my dresser to get some clothes. I got a plain black shirt with Blake's jacket and some blue pants I put on some make up. Mascara, eye shadow and I put eye liner that had a curl. I went down stairs.

I went to my fridge but before I opened it. My brother yelled. ALEXIA TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL BUS IS HERE. Oh crap I went to my room and put on some socks and grabbed my phone and ran down stairs to put my black boots on. I walked out of my house and walked to the bus. I stepped on the bus and took my seat. We were on the bus for 6 minutes.

We got out of the bus but I waited for my best friend. She rides my bus. She walked off the bus and we headed to the door and walked in. I walked to my class that I stop in I the morning. Hey. Hey how was your weekend? Good what about yours? Good. I sat in a seat for a few minutes.

I stood up and said well I'm going to breakfast goodbye. Bye. I walked down the hall to the lunch room. I went in line I asked them what I wanted I said my lunch number and sat down by myself. A few minutes of eating some pretty girl came to me and said hey. Hi? Who are you? My names Cleo.

Oh my names (cut off by Cleo) does it look like I care? No not really. You got that right. Um excuse me why did you come over to me and be rude. Its fun. Well its not fun to me. She turned around and left. Hey wait you remind me of someone. Oh yeah and who would that be? Didn't you date Blake. Come again? Blake Ryder?

Oh yeah I did. But I used him like I use other hot guys. Why? Oh I'm dating him. Cool that's great. Okay what the heck is your problem. Um excuse me. Why are you so mean. Oh haven't you heard I am a bad girl and I'm guessing your not. I stood up and said well could you not.

She walked over to me and said well who's going to make me good girl. I don't know but get out of my face before I get mad. Oh what are you going to do tell someone. No. I got fist up slowly but someone caught my eyes and ran to my and hugged me from behind and said aye Thats never the answer. Well Blake she's being mean to me. I'm thinking it is the right answer. I put my fist higher and almost punching her till a teacher says aye! Hands off don't you dare and get to class. I got out of Blake's arms and  punched her anyways. She punched and pulled my hair. I threw many punches until Blake got a hold of me then the principal said I had detention.

Cleo? Yup. Why do you look so surprised? I'm not but why are you here. Blake come on. So Blake's going for the good girls now? Why. Because I love her. Well don't you should love people like bad girls not good girls Blake. Well I don't care. Okay go to her. She will change you.

No she won't. Oh I bet you that she will just you wait you'll be crawling back to me. Bye. I'm in the same class as you. Shit I catched up with Alexia and said sorry for what happened. But you shouldn't of punched her. I know Blake, I stopped him and said please don't forget about me. Alexia I wont forget about you okay. Okay. I put my arm around her waist and she blushed we walked in class and sat down.

We sang and danced and talked. I got in trouble for chewing gum I class. I was just singing and she caught me chewing gum and made me sing to the whole class. I was so embarrassed because Cleo was laughing at me. I was done singing and sat down quietly.

Soon class was over I went to Blake and hugged him he kissed me on the lips and said goodbye going to next class. Okay. I went to my class with is science. I was walking to class till I got tripped by Elle. I stood up slowly with my fists clinched together and said.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME ELLE. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE PRESCHOOL. WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ME. I put my fists up high and punched her face she started crying. I felt bad a little but felt good for doing it. The teacher came and said. ALEXIA COME TO THE OFFICE NOW. But I. No buts.

Okay I frowned nervously. I was think about why couldn't Blake stop me. I needed Blake. As he was still walking I quickly ran to his math class. As I was running I heard Cleo said omg you better run he's coming and laughed. I cried to math class. I opened the door and cried Blake?!? He immediately came to me and hugged me and ran outside the class room door they were watching.

Oh Blake I did something wrong. What did you do. Well I was walking to class and Elle tripped me and I was yelling at her and she was laughing. I was so mad I I I punched her face and then she cried. And the teacher came out and yelled at me and said come to the office now. Alexia you punched 2 people today. Okay but listen.

He said, Come with me now. Okay and I was thinking about you oh why weren't you here to stop me. And I ran to you and Cleo yelled to me you better hurry he's coming with laughter. So I cried and here I am. Okay okay Alexia calm down don't talk fast. He pulled me into his warm chest. I herd the teacher come up and I hugged him tighter.

Blake don't let go please. I hugged him more. She was shaking in fear and started to breath heavy. She was having a panic attack. Alexia no no no don't have one now. I hugged her more and started saying soothing stuff. The teacher came towards us in confused. She's having a panic attack what do I do.

Take her to the office ill put some soothing music on. That will work? Sure my daughter has panic attacks and it works. I carried her to the office and he put on some something music. I whispered into Alexia's ear and said. You will be okay babe okay I promise you. A few hours of that she calmed down. It was okay to go back to class.

Wait a minute Alexia. I stopped and held Blake's hand tight and he stopped. We need to talk. Don't worry your not really in trouble we just need to talk. Its okay Alexia. Go I'll be in class I'll get your stuff from your locker. Okay. I walked with my the principal to his office.

He sat down. He told me please sit down let's talk shall we? O o okay. Now Alexia ( cut off by Alexia) can I just talk to a guidance counselor for this? Alexia do not interrupt. Sorry. And yes with me to I'll call down. He called down she came as soon as possible. I'm here. Oh Alexia what happened?

Well as you know that Ellie has been bullying me and tripping me and making names for me and talking behind my back and saying really mean stuff. Yeah she has been doing this since preschool. I just needed to stick up for me.

I'm so sorry. I'm just going through a lot. I was in the hospital, people being mean, boyfriend not telling the truth, meeting his ex bad girlfriend witch she is so mean to me. And yeah. Alexia I get it. I've lost my temper to.

Okay. Your not in trouble but be careful next time. And if she ever cokes near you or they come to me. Got it? Yes. Okay now I will give your u a pass to go to class.

I took the pass and went to class. I walked into Social Studies and people looked at me weird but my friends looked sad. Elle had a bruise on her cheek. I sat down by Keegan and he said yo what's up with you Elle and the new girl? Elle bullied me since preschool I wanted to stick up for myself.

And Cleo the new girl long story. Tell me. Well Blake's ex he didn't tell me she's a bad girl she used Blake. And yeah I just summed it up a bit. She is being mean to me. And yeah after an hour of class it was time to go home. I went to my locker. I put y stuff I and walked to the stairs. Hey Alexia wait up girl. What do you want.

Wow you actuly punched someone. Yeah so. That was awesome. High five. I gave her a high five. So hey listen I'm sorry about being mean to you. Can we be friends? Um sure but don't be mean to me and my friends. Okay got it. I walked on the bus with her. And we talked for the whole way home.

I waked out with Blake and hugged and missed him bye see you tomorrow. And oh me and Cleo are actuly friends now shocker right. Yeah. Well bye love you. I walked up the stairs inside and sat down for supper. We ate hamburgers and I went back up stairs to go in the hot shower I put on shampoo and conditioner.

I put on body wash and rinsed it off and got my towel and rapped it around my wet body. I stepped out and went I to my room to get some pajamas. I put on a night gown and some underwear I washed my face and went down stairs to get a drink of water and brought it up stairs and went to the bathroom again and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I went to jump into my bed and covered my body with blankets and pillows and stuffed animals. I took a last drink of my water and put my headgear on and went to bed happy.

Hope you guys liked this chapter I know I did like comment message me and say what you want me to put in my chapter I might add you for a friend in here. Remember to like, comment, share if you like it. Love you my readers

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