Back To School Again With Bruises

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I woke up cuddling with Blake. He woke up before me. When I woke up he said good morning princess and planted a kiss on my four head. School time. Ugh do I have to I'm in pain. Well yes cause we are telling the principal today. Okay Blake. I didn't get dressed well I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put a braw and new underwear on and put my hair in a pony tail. I had a dark bruise on my cheek. I walked down stairs and out the door to see Blake in the car. I hopped in the car in pain again. We drove to school. We walked in school people were staring at my bruise.

I went to my locker and he went to his locker. When I got my stuff I shut my locker door and saw Jack. I walked fast to the office I saw Blake in there already. He was sitting and waiting for me. I ran to the office. I was to slow Jack caught up to me and I was tackled to the ground. He was heavy. I saw my best friend Caitlyn of course and she got a hold of Jack since they were brother and sister. I literly yelled and scooting on the ground in fear I had an anxiety attack and good thing Blake heard me and he litterly carryed me in the office and we went to the principal told him everything. He was fearuos to hear that he called for an announcement and yelled Jack Spicee come to the office now. Wait he's comeig here like in the same room here? Yes why. No no I can't I just can't I have to go.

To late he was already at the door I was burning up I felt like I was going to yell and cry and kick to get my way out when he stepped in I was huddeld in the corner. He sat down in my seat. I was trying to think about the day I told Keegan. He was my best friend who I told. Now he's gone at another school. I heard someone else walk in the door and it was Caitlyn and Keegan. Omg Keegan your here wait what are you doing here. I hugged him tight. He said your school called my school they dropped me here and here I am now. I'm by your side are you okay. Yes I will be when he's out of this room. Blake took me out of the room I was glad I wasn't there it was so Scarry. He's talking to him okay babe. Everythings going to be okay. He kissed my fourhead.

A few minutes later cops came. From juvey and got him into the car. He looked at me like he was going to kill me the next time he sees me. So the principal said you guys can go to class now and Keegan walked with us.I said wait you have to go back to your school. I'm not going back I'm staying right here. I stopped and he stopped and we hugged we finely hugged normal not a side hug not nothing else a full hug. We went to class I sat by Blake. I said to Blake you are my hero for protecting me I love you so much. Never leave me alone. I will never stop protecting you princess. The teacher stepped in. Oh my Alexia what happened? Oh someone punched me yesterday I'm good now. Okay dear. She went back to the board and started writing words on the board that we had to correct. I got a piece of paper and a pencil to write with and wrote them all down I got one wrong. What's funny is I copyed off of Caitlyn and she caught me on the last word so I had to do it by myself. That's the one I got wrong. Blake being his not smart self got all of them wrong. It was pretty funny though. When class was over it was lunch.

Ellie being her mean self she decides to trip me. But guess who caught me before I could even fall. Blake caught me. I was just holding hands and walking to lunch and she tripped me. I got so mad I pushed her. She thought it was funny. I thought it was rude. Before I could punch her Blake stepped in and wrapped his hands around me to stop me. Blake leave me alone. She's been doing this forever she hasn't stopped I have to get back at her. Alexia no you don't just go tell the teacher okay? Oh okay fine. Let's go to lunch now. I poked him hard in the chest. And smiled, guess what we are having for lunch. What. Ocomeme on guess, um pizza, nope meat lophe. Yay my favorite. We walked faster well he walked faster since I couldn't since I have crutches. I said if he could get my food he said sure. I sat with my best friends. And he Blake new what I wanted shocking since we never talk about food. I ate my lunch and it was time to go home.

I went in the elevator and went tti get to my locker to get my book bag. I went down stairs and went outside. We walked to the bus and went in the bus. We sat down. The radio came on we could hear what do you mean by Justin Bieber. We sag to many songs till it was our stop. We stepped out of the bus and went in our houses. I went up stairs carfuly with my dads help and went in my room and went to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and went in the shower. I had to put my leg out.I did my regularly stuff I do in the shower I eased my hair with shampoo and condishioner and body soap. I rinced evrything off. I got my tower and tryed my self off in the shower. I steps out while wrapping it around my body. And walked in my room and got my pajamas I put a sports braw on and clean underwear. I put on a pink kitty shirt and baby blue shorts. I went back into my bathroom the one I share with my brother with and brushed my hair and wrapped my hair in the towel. I went down stairs and had supper that mom made she made hamburgers. They were really good after we were done estig I put my hair out of the towel I was a lot wet still. So I took it out and brushed my teath and my face. I went to my bed and slept there till my brother came I and said mom dad needs to talk to you about your foot. Okay.

I went down stairs and sat down and dad said the doctors that tomorrow you can get a walking boot. Okay so why did I need to wake up right now. because he said to wake you up. Okay I'm going back to sleep. I went ilup stairs exited and went into my bed. I slept till school I got up and went to my window to tell him. I knocked on his window. He was brushing his death already. I can't go to school today because I'm gdttig my walking boot on. Okay. Okay can I come with? No you have school. Awe, I know go to school bad boy. I kissed his cheak. And closed my window. I went to to bathroom to go wash my face and took s bar to eat and got dressed. I picked a plain black shirt and some blue jeans. I put my hair in a fish tail braid. And went back into the bathroom to brush my teath. I walked out and walked down stairs they ssidbget in the car I went to the car and we went to the hospital.

I had to sit in a chair for a fee minutes I saw someone who worked there say my name I went back with my mom and dad and Christian. I had to lay on a bed so they can get the cast off. They quickly put a boot on to not let it hurt. It was black. I would walk but I had to stay laying down because they had to give me a shot for the pain when I walk. I could stand and walk. We went back home and I slept because it hurts. I woke up a few hours later Blake was home. I went to the bathroom the brush my teath and went out and went to the window. I opens my line and knocked on his he said hey Alexia while opening his window. I asked if I can come in he said sure. I went in and we played video games all night. I got tired so I went into his bed to sleep and he cane with me. I was already asleep when he went on the bed. He slept to.

Hope you guys enjoyed this. Thank you for reading my book. I will be doing a tone more. So keep reading cause its going to get good. Like comment and share. Comment what was your favorite part so far. Thank you I love you guys

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