What Have I Done

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I just woke up. I got up out of my bed and went to take a shower. I I stripped off my braw, underwear, shirt, shorts. I turned on the water to warm and stepped in. I first washed my hair with shampoo for a few minutes and put on conditioner.

I rinsed my hair and got my puff and put body soap on it I rubbed it in with my hands and rubbed it all over my body. After a few minutes I rinsed my body off and shaved my legs and armpits.

I got out of the shower and wrapped the fluffy towel around my wet body to dry myself off. I went back into my room to put my blue robe on and went back into my bathroom to brush my hair. I but my hair in a loose piny tail for a few seconds to wash my face.

I washed my face and dried my face and put face lotion on. I went to down stairs to eat some cereal. I looked at the clock and it was almost time for school. I ran back up stairs to my dresser and got a long sleeved grey sweatshirt that is loose with no zipper and my black hat along with my black tights with my short black boots.

I put on my makeup and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I grabbed my bag and phone. I saw what time it was it was 7:22. The bus cokes in two minutes. I walked down stairs and sat at the couch looking outside for the bus to get to my home. I saw the bus. I walked to the door and said goodbye mom love you. Love you to sweetie.

I walked out of my house and walked to the bus. I stepped on the bus to see Alexia laying on the inside of the bus seat head on the window looking outside. I walked to take a seet and sang to the song Confident by Demi Lovato.

Soon we were at school. I got out of the bus and walked to my locker. I opened my locker and got my books and pencil. I saw Blake at his locker and went over to him. Hey Blake how are you?

Okay I guess.

Okay so do you know why Alexia hasn't been at school recently?

No I don't Cleo!!! Please don't talk about here!!!

Why not?

Because me and her are taking a break from each other.

Why what happened?

Long story I don't want to talk about

Okay well I got to get to class. Bye

Bye Cleo

I walked into class and sat in the back row. Blake came in and sat by me. Mrs. Mary handed us a work sheet and had us use our text books. I worked on a the questions till Mrs. Mary said okay class hand in your work sheet papers and let's see how far you've gotten.

Okay now I will a sign you with a project with a partner. Blake razed his and said can we choose our partners? Nope I will be choosing your partners this time. She called everyone except me, Caitlyn, Keegan, Blake and Cleo.

Caitlyn you will be partners with, Keegan. Blake you will be partners with Alexia and Cleo you will be on your own with my help and everyone else will not need my help because you and your partners has to talk to each other.

So what are we doing. We are making a poster about nature so be creative about this. Does that answer your question? Yes. Okay class discus with your partner what you want to do. I sat that I silence. We didn't talk for the whole class period.

I looked backwards to look at Blake and Alexia. Awe they aren't talking anymore. What have I done. I stood up and walked over to them and said so guys what are you two doing?

I don't know Cleo what are you doing? I have no idea yet. Hey Cleo yeah what's up Blake can we switch partners? Wait what do you mean? Me work by myself you work with Her. I don't know.

Wait woe woe woe Blake her its Alexia. And really you can't eve say my name?!? And now you don't want to be my partner for some stupid project? I don't get it. It wasn't my fault BLAKE?!!! Give me a reason why I shouldn't ignore you?

Well I don't know maybe like first you broke up with me for what I didn't do. Secondly you won't talk to me. Third you don't want to look at me and talk to me. Forth you don't say my name. And five you want to switch partners!!! Why can't you just want to be best friends!? ALEXIA STOP. BLAKE NO.

I pushed her to the wall and said into her ears how much I loved you and love you now I have to leave you. Don't talk to me Alexia. Goodbye. Wait wait Blake you still love me. Yeah but I'm not so sure anymore. Wait Blake don't go.

I grabbed onto his shirt and gripped it. He held my hand and put my hand down by my sides. Don't Alexia!! Please don't leave me. I started crying. My heart was racing. I fell to the ground and I yelled and cried as I curled up into a ball. Mrs Mary ran quickly over yo me and asked what was wrong. I just kept yelling and crying.

I was so scarred. I remembered last time we went to the hospital. I ran over to Alexia and Mrs. Mary and told her she's having a panic attack. Call 911 we have to get her to the hospital. Okay she ran to the phone and dialed the number.

A few minutes later the ambulance came. They took her in the ambulance and asked who is her parents. There not here but I'll come. Who are you sir I'm her boyfriend. Okay step in and sit down and let us do our jobs. Okay.

I lied I'm her her boyfriend but I'm worried again. I sat there for a worried 10 minutes. We finely showed up and ran to the same room before. They gave her a calm medicine to let her stay calm.

After and hour or two I could come in. I said hi Alexia. But she was sleeping. I can and sat down quietly and stated there silent. A fee minutes of being in there she woke up I quickly held her hand and said hey how do you feel she said fine.

Wait what are you doing here? I had to be here. Other whose I would get so worried. But we broke up and we aren't even friends or best friends. Alexia let's not talk about this now. We'll talk about this later. Okay? Okay. Are you thirsty? Yes. Okay I'll go get you coffee. Kk thank you. I walked out of the room and saw Alexia's parents. They walked fast to me

Oh my gosh what did you do this time Blake!!! I broke up with her because she kissed Keegan and she said she didn't Keegan kissed her. I yelled at her she had a panic attack. I'm so so sorry.

Keegan did kiss her and she froze in shock and you didn't believe her?

No I know I should have. I'm giving her coffee right now. She can't have coffee. Come on she had a panic attack let her off for this one thing. Oh well okay fine. I walked to get some coffee. I got the coffee and went back I gave her her coffee and she drank it.

She took a nap for a few hours and the doctors came in and said we can leave. We left in her parents car and drove to her house. We got there in 20 minutes. I asked her if we can talk and she said sure. I stepped inside and walked to her room and sat on her bed.

She said on the other end and said okay Blake talk. Okay okay Alexia your parents talked to me whole I was getting your coffee and I told them what happened and your mom said Keegan did kiss you first and you froze in shock. I'm sorry I didn't believe you can you forgive me? Well of course I can.

But can you forgive me. Well of course. Okay so we good Blake? Yes we are good. Okay yay finely. For now on we talk things out okay Alexia? Dude Blake that's why I've been trying to do. Oh I'm sorry. Okay.

So what now we talk or sleep. Blake really you know I'm tired. Lol I know. Okay good night princess. I kissed her and walked to the door. Wait Blake can you stay here? Yes I can. I ran to the bed and jumped in the bed knocking Alexia off the bed.

Ouch Blake!!! Uh oh sorry. She got up and went to her drawer and got her pajamas and went to the bathroom and got changed and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She got back to the bed layed under her blankets. And snuggled on my chest and soon we were fast a sleep.

Hope you guys and girls liked this I know I did. So they did end up together. I was waiting for that to happen. I wonder what will happen next I don't know so I need your help. Don't forget to like, comment, share and vote. Love you readers

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