So close but so far away..Can you hear me?

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I was walking down the street on my way to school. Today was going to be a big day. I'm an aspiring artist but have always been to shy to put myself out there, but today everything was going to change. I was going to perform at school.

I kept walking down the road. My head phones were in and I was listening to Adele. Her music always seems to calm me down. As I approached the school I could feel my palms get sweaty and my heart started to beat faster and faster. As I looked towards the school gate I felt myself get more anxious. Just thinking of all the people that were going to listen to me sing. I started to panic, like big time panic. My head started to pound and I got light headed. All of a sudden my whole world started to spin and I felt myself fall into a trance....but everything started go black and from then I lost myself.

So close but so far away..Can you hear me? (5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now