Chapter 7- Best First Date Part 2

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I was still in complete shock at what was in front of me. When I was younger I had always wanted to go to a fair, unfortunately I never went. With my family it was hard to ever go out. You see my parents are divorced, theres much more to that story but I wont get into still hurts to talk about it. Anyways.....somehow Lukey here found out and well now I was standing in front of one of the biggest fairs I have ever seen. There were rides everywhere and a booth with food near every single one of them. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I quickly turned towards Luke who was nervously awaiting a reaction. I ran to him and embraced him in the biggest bear hug ever.

"Thank you, thank you. A million times thank you." I whispered in his ear. He had no idea how much this actually meant to me.

Luke pulled back and pecked my lips, as usual the butterflies erupted in my tummy.

"I got a friend to rent out the place. We have it all to our selves." He spoke in a low voice. I couldn't help a small squeal come from my mouth, which I quickly covered up with a chuckle. Luke took my hand and pulled me towards the entrance. I stood there dumbfounded. The place was massive. I had never seen anything like it and the fact that we had it all to ourselves was the cherry on top.

"Come on! The rides await!" Luke pulled my hand and ran towards the bumper cars. Wow typical guy mode. "I'm so gonna kick your butt." I mentally laughed him. See boys are cocky like that when it comes to their cars and crap, what this fella didn't know was that I was the queen of bumper cars. Luke sure did have it in for him. To make things less evident I ran to the pink car while he went for the all mighty masculine blue. Once again, typical boy.

After a very aggressive game, we got out of the cute little cars. I was with my victory smile while Luke pouted. Told you I was good.

"That was not fair! You rigged the game!" He continued to pout like a baby. But it made him cuter. I went over to him and pecked his lips.

"Come on grumpy pants, I didn't rig it and don't pout so much."

"Why not?" he pouted even more. Gosh this boy.

"Cause....." I didn't want to finish my sentence. I would make a fool out of myself.

"It makes me even more irresistible?" I was about to make a witty response but instead I belted out..

"IT MAKES YOUR LIPS SO KISSABLE AND YOUR KISS UNMISSABLE YOUR FINGER TIPS SO TOUCHABLE AND YOUR EYES IRRISTABLE" as I ran around to the booths. Oh yea that's the way to do it Annabella. Just go for the One Direction card to save your butt. Luke just laughed from behind and followed me.

"Want some food?" Luke asked me after we got off our 10th ride. We had been there for a while now and I was getting hungry.

"Yes please. I feel like death is upon me if I don't eat!" Once again Luke just laughed at my comment. The more I was him, the more I grew to like him. It was like I couldn't get enough of him. He was drug. Totally, that's what he was. While most girls were out doing stupid crap like coke and meth I was doing Luke...wait no! That sounds very misleading....just forget it! Oh theres Luke to save the day!

"Hope you like hot dogs!" Luke came over with 2 hotdogs, some fries, and some drinks. We sat on a picnic table that was set up with a candle in the center. Aw he tried to make it all cute and stuff.

"Yes I do. Thanks. For everything." I looked into his blue eyes. Those eyes always seemed to have an impact on me. It was like I could read them and I loved what they told me. They gave Luke away, at the moment I couldn't help but smile at the smile that his eyes held. It gave me this warmth in me that I couldn't get enough of.

"Can I tell you something?" We hadn't said anything for a bit, falling into a more than comfortable silence until Luke spoke up. I looked up to see he was waiting for a response, his face was blank, but his eyes showed just how nervous he was.

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