Chapter 15- My girl

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"How the fuck is she bleeding?!" I heard a voice yell.

"How am I suppose to know?!" Another responded.

"We need to get her out of here NOW!" Yet another spoke.

"Why is this happening?" Someone spoke. This person was speaking in a mere whisper. The voice sounded of a male. He sounded...broken.

"Mate, it'll be ok. Come on." The first person that spoke told the other. Then I felt my body being lifted and placed onto something relatively soft. I believe it was a car. Moments later there was movement. Meaning we were in a car.

"Please wake up. Please." The voice that had spoken earlier spoke again. He still sounded so broken so hurt. I felt like I recognized the voice. That's when the pain hit me. Oh shit. This hurts. Oh this hurts A LOT. OH FOR THE LOVE OF WHOEVER SOMEONE HELP THIS HURTS! The pain kept getting worse and worse. I tried to pry my eyes open but I couldn't. That's when I took all strength of me and yelled. I yelled as loud as I could. I kept yelling from the pain. But the yelling only made things worse. Every time I yelled another dose of pain shot through me. I began to attempt to move my hands. Someone was holding one of them and I put as much as pressure as I could onto it in attempt to give the person a message.

"Mikey! Hurry! She's yelling louder and looks like shes scaring the shit out of Luke." One of the voices said. I yelled again in hopes of them to understand I was agreeing with them. Whooa. Wait. Luke. Mikey. Oh no. no. no. Fuck no. I yelled again. I tried to put words together but I couldn't all I could manage were screams of pain. So that's what I kept doing. I screamed of pain.

Minutes later I was being carried out of the car and the person carrying me was running. I gripped onto their shirt as hard as I could. Another blood shot of pain went through my body. I yelled again. Soon I heard different voices and I felt myself being laid onto a bed.

"Code red! Someone get the machine. Hurry! We're losing her! GO!" I heard someone shout before everything I could remember went blank.


She had gripped onto my shirt with so much force. It was scaring me so much. Every 2 minutes she would let out a yell of pain. My heart sunk more and more. When they took her away I just stood there in my spot. The past few days have been horrible. I have so many emotions going on. I've honestly never felt this way. I'm scared out of my mind. This girl. This girl is so important to me. She's my everything. I would leave the band for her. Yeah that's how much I love her. Everyone sees me as the extremely awkward boy of the group, and normally I would be all weird and shit but right now something overcame me. Feelings and emotions I had never experienced before and all because the girl of my dreams was dying of pain behind those doors.

"Mate, come sit." Ashton called out to me.

"He did this to her. He fucking did this to her." I growled before running out of the hospital to look for the person that had done this to my girl.



"Luke stop."

Heavy footsteps were on my tracks I attempted to outdo them but soon I felt a pair of arms hold me down.

"Let go Ashton." I growled.

"Luke, stop. Take a breath. I know your hurting but please stop. She needs you right now and going to try and get them would get you no where." Calum tried to reason with me. But this time I wasn't buying it.

"No. We leave for tour any day now. She doesn't even know!" I ran my hand through my blonde hair. "God. Whats gonna happen when I leave. When we leave?! She fell for the trap! They're gonna hunt her while we're gone for 4 months! 4 fucking months! I have to do something now!" I yelled out frustration.

"Luke please stop. Breath mate. I know I know, but just stop." Michael tried.
See they didn't get it. They didn't understand how much danger she was in now and I wasn't going to be able to protect her for a while. I had to end this now. So I pushed my way out of Ashtons grip ran.

"Luke if you attempt to stop them our dream will be over." Ashton yelled back. That's when I stopped. He was right. That's what they wanted. All along all they've done was to ruin our dream. But the thing is I felt trapped. What was I suppose to do?!

"I cant do this. I just cant." I walked away. Not to my initial destination but I walked away.

20 minutes later I was at our treehouse. I sat under it looking up at the sky. I had a bunch of missed calls and messages but I didn't care anymore. I needed to think. I looked up at the sky and just sat there. I don't know how long I sat there for but I did. I couldn't move. I just sat there. I wish I could fix this but I cant. No matter how much I try to fix it I know it wont work. I'll either lose the band and our dream or I'll lose her. There was no win-win situation. 'God what do I do.' I spoke to myself. Suddenly my phone rang again. I took a glimpse to see it was an unknown number. Reluctantly I answered.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hi is this Luke Hemmings?" Asked a feminine voice


"Hi, my name is Dani Vence. I am one of the nurses at the GMA hospital. I was given this number in reference to your name. We have a patient here under the name of AnnaBella who insists in seeing you. She's refusing to cooperate with us until she sees you. Is there anyway we could get you here?" Dani spoke. My heart began to beat quickly. She was awake.

"I'm on my way." With that I hung up and ran as fast as my body could allow to the hospital. My girl was awake.


I woke up in the hospital. Dejavu over here. Wow second time this happens. So cool. Yeah no. But this time something was way off. My body felt so different. I saw one of the nurses walk in.

"Hi sweetie. How are you?" She asked nicely.

"Why do I feel so weird?" I asked. She looked at me and her eyes told me something was off.

"I think you should wait for your parents to arrive to talk to you I-" I cut her off

"No tell me now." I used the sternest voice I could manage.

"I'm sorry to tell you but we had to amputate your arm sweetie. I'm so sorry." She looked down at the floor before slowly backing out of the room.

My mind froze. Did she God no. Please no. Why?


                                 AN: HEY GUYS! so I'm very sorry for the lack of updates but I have been a tad bit busy and haven't been able to update. How ever all this week I will update everyday. One reason to compensate for the lack of updates and two next week I start school and so the updating is going to become less frequent. Also sorry for the crappy chapter and all this drama. I hope you guys keep reading and well COMMENT VOTE FAN AND KEEP READING!! LOVE YOU GUYS! ~Elena.

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