Chapter 14- No one really knows

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I've never been the one to sulk in bed after a breakup. I've always just moved on and kept my cool, but well things haven't been going like normal lately so here I am in bed crying my eyes out because I can't have the guy I want because of some stupid band rivalry. What kind of bull crap is that?!

I've gotten some texts lately about my performance. A lot of people actually liked it. If I do say so myself I was a success and I honestly love the feeling of others liking what I do. With all this drama happening I haven't been able to focus on my music as much as I wish I could and it really sucks. Music has always gotten me through the hardest times in my life, but right now I just keep pushing it aside. 

I got up from the spot I've been sulking in my bed and grabbed my notebook. I thought itd be nice to write some lyrics maybe make a song out of all of this. Hey you gotta get inspiration from somewhere and well most good songs end being about some relationship. If its not we broke im broken hearted its he cheated on me I hate him but I love him. Typical but effective.

Ok lets think Annabella. What are you feeling? hurt. Ok what else? In love but hurt. So i'm sensing you're hurt? I JUST SAID I WAS. Well jeez my bad. Ok so you're feeling hurt. You..I'm in love with a guy that I met not too long ago. You recently found out that your stripper mom got hurt because the guy you like has a crazy rivalry with some jock band and now they are pretty much taking control of your life. Yeah that's totally normal. No one really knows what my life has come to...HEY that's a good song title. I quickly scribbled 'No one really knows' on the top of a new page. Ok, lets see. Come on. Why is this so hard? Just let it all flow.

No one knows what it was

No one knows what it has become

I only know whats like to live this life

With the pain

With the sorrow

With the lies

Without you

The person who got me through

The only one who can make me feel

No one knows

No one will

Only I who live this life

Only I

Only I

        Not bad. For now. I mean its a start I guess. But that was the basic truth no one really knows what its like to live my life. But i'm glad in a way. Man my head is so screwed up today I need to take a break.

I put up my journal, grabbed my keys, phone and slipped on shoes and a hoodie before walking out of my room and out the house. Dad wasn't home as usual. But that story is for another chapter. I walked out to get a chilly wind hit my face. Glad I grabbed the hoodie. I started to walk on the sidewalk not really having a destination. I just kept walking around the town seeing some of the cute little shops and the cafes around. I spent most of my walk just staring around not really taking in what I saw or anything just walking.

I had been out for a good 2 hours. I had seen quite a few things but never registered much until I saw something scared the living out of me. It was a site that marked me and I just don't get why I had to see it. I really don't get why I felt like I had to go and see it up close either but I did anyways.

As I turned the corner in my return towards the house I saw some guys outside a shop. I knew 4 of those guys. The others I had an idea of who they were, but what I didn't like was how the older ones were attacking the younger 4. It was like they didn't care that they were in a public place or anything. They just wanted to hold out that stupid ass rivalry. And being the stupid ass girl decided to approach them. Cool move Ann, cool move.

I walked towards the boys and heard a bit of the conversation.

"I don't fucking want to hurt the chick you prick!" One of the older ones said

"Yo Max no need for the word. Chill man." Another of the older ones spoke up. The first one who was now identified as Max directed himself back to the 4 younger ones.

"Back to what I was saying. I don't want to hurt her. Shes cute. But yous need to end it with her. Meaning you Lukey poo. Be done with it. End it. I want her out of this fucking shit. Her momma was hit for other reasons. " Max spoke.

"Max, we're not together." Luke spoke quietly. I could see the sadness in his face.

"Good. The momma gonna get out soon. She best be coming back to the girl and I want them out of our little fights. The girl gets hurt ya'll are going down hard." Max once again spoke with more authority than before.

"Max, she's our friend, we can't just cut all with her." Ashton spoke up this time.

"Irwin don't give me that bull shit. Cut off with the chick. Now." Max half yelled at them.

"Boys just do it so we can finish yous off. Get it. Got it. Good." One of the others spoke. This time I got close and made my move.

"The girl doesn't want to move. Get it. Got it. Good." I spoke with a bit of edge trying to show they didn't intimidate me when really I could pee in my pants at any given point. The older ones for sure some jocks. They were all majorly riped with muscles everywhere.

"Oh look at this the girl joins us. Hey sweetie." Max approached me and I slightly flinched. Way to give it away Ann.

"Don't call me sweetie and don't fucking touch me." I spit at him. Yup not lady like but who cares.

"What are you doing here?" Calum asked from behind me.

"Trying to figure out who the hell these idiots are that are ruining my life." I said as sweetly as I could.

"Just go home." Luke begged me with his eyes.

"No." I was being stuborn I know.

"So darling, we need to deal with some shit. How about you join us?" He pointed to an open seat between Michael and Calum which I gladly took. I could feel the boys gazes on me and I knew they were going to kill me later.

"Now, lets introduce ourselves shall we?"

"I'm Derrek." The tallest one said.

"I'm Jake." A light skinned one said.

"I'm Ray." A fairly short one said.

"I'm Cory." The one that had spoken earlier said.

"And i'm Max. You are?" Max said.

I was about to speak when Michael covered my mouth and Ashton spoke "The girl. Moving on." Well way to introduce me guys. I sarcastically thought.

"Well 'the girl' since you want to be involved let me just say that your going to get hurt. We will do anything in our power to burn you. We know you want a singing career. We weren't going to after it but now that you've put your self before us, guess what? We are. We will do everything and anything to get you in the dumps. No one will want to hear you. That is if you can sing.....Watch little mama you just got yourself in some deep shit and no one can get you out. Hemmings boy did everything he could to protect you  but you just lost that protection. Now your knee deep just like them. You better watch your back cause we like to play dirty. And by the way your mama aint hurt cause of you. Shes hurt cause shes lousy at her job." By now his smirk was implanted into my head and I leaped my way towards him till my fist met his face. The boys all stood back as I hit him as hard as I could.

"You watch it! Don't talk about my mom like that and don't fucking tell me what to do!" I threw another punch and then did the reflex all girl do when being attacked I kneed him his man area. I ran and pulled the boys with me as we ran towards my house.

When we reached my house we were out of breath. I need to work out and that's when I realized that I was bleeding. Oh shit.

                HEY GUYS!!! I'm really sorry I didn't post last week I had no time and school is starting soon so its gonna get a little harder to update but I will try. Any ways here is what I bring ot you and I hope you guys like it. PLEASE VOTE COMMENT FAN THANKS GUYS TILL NEXT TIME ~ELENA

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