Chapter 1- Waking up to.....

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I slowly opened my eyes. The lighting in the room was very bright. I tried to get up but I felt something strong hold me back.

"You're awake!" A firm male voice spoke from above me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"The names Calum. Calum Hood. But most people call me Cal. And you?" He spoke as he helped me sit up. I took in his figure. He was tanned and had dark hair. His eyes were a brown color. He was very good looking.

"Annabella, Annabella Grimshaw. My friends call me either Ann or Bella."

"Well nice to meet you Annabella. How are you feeling?"

I then remembered what had happened earlier today. I looked around a realized I was in the nurse's office.

"I'm ok. I think I'll alright." I did feel better. Honestly I was a bit confused on how I got here. "Um Calum? How'd I get here?"

Calum laughed. His laugh is cute, like adorable. "Oh well you see, you pretty much passed out as you were about to enter the school gate. You were about to hit the ground but I was walking by with some of my mates and was about to catch you. So then I carried you here to the nurse's office."

I felt pretty stupid. I passed out and some random guy had to carry me to the nurse's office. "Sorry if I was too heavy, and thanks for bringing me."

He laughed before speaking up again "One, you weren't the least bit heavy. Two: you're welcome and three; what happened to you that made you pass out?"

I was a bit afraid of answering that. Did I really want to put myself out there and tell someone I didn't know my issues. I mean Calum didn't seem the type to hurt people in any way like that, but I just met him and this was a pretty embarrassing subject. I sighed still conflicted but willing to speak about my fears.

"I'm suppose to perform today. Something I've been afraid to do for a long time. I really want to know what people think of my singing. Like am I any good? Or should give it up. I started to freak out and well as I was walking to school I had a huge panic attack well the rest you know." I felt better after telling someone my fears. I had actually never told anyone. Why? I was always afraid that people would judge me and hurt me. But today I gave a stranger a change and it felt nice.

"Hey." Calum took my face and made me face him directly. "Don't ever be afraid to put you're self out there. Yeah it can be pretty scary, but trust me it's all worth it. I'm in a band with 3 of my best mates. At first it was a bit scary to sing and stuff but it gets easier. And even if people say you suck don't give up." He finished with a huge smile. His smile was as adorable as his laugh.

"Thanks Calum." I got up and started to walk towards the door. "Thanks for everything. See you around." With that I walked out of the nurse's office. Still a bit shaky of what was to come but feeling a lot stronger than I had ever. I think I want to talk to that Calum kid again. He could be a pretty good therapist.

                                  AN: So this is the first chapter of my fan fic. I really hope you guys like it and continue reading!

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