Chapter 13- Life sucks ass

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I somehow ended up at the tree house. Yeah Luke and I's tree house. I had just broken up with him and let me tell you I was in pain. My heart was aching so badly at the thought of me losing Luke. I don't know what was worse finding out that some random people that for some reason wanted to hurt the boys had gotten to the evil woman that gave birth to me or the fact that I had broken two hearts 30 minutes ago, mine and Luke's. The way his face dropped to an all time low was just totally painful. He was already broken and then I do that to him. I ran out of there so fast I never thought I was capable of it. I just needed to get away from everyone I was so hurt. I felt like this was all happening so fast. Too much too fast.

My 'mom' and I had a terrible relationship. Why? She was a slut. Yes what the stupid bitch at school said is true. My mom is a slut. She slept around with as many men as she could for a living. She actually had me that way. Thankfully my dad had some sense in him and well raised me. From the start I knew what my mom did and I was always ashamed of it. When id meet kids and theyd all say their moms were doctors or teachers or worked in factories I had a pit in my stomach. When itd be my turn id just say I didn't have a mom. Truth was I really didn't. It was always me and my dad. The two of us in it together without some slut of a woman. Shed visit once in a while and her attire gave away what she really was. Always in tight dresses barley even covering her ass, her boobs popping out of the dress. She'd wear some sky high heels in the ugliest colors around while her face looked she had just smashed it in a cake. It was horrible. Id never let her take me anywhere and if for stupid reason my dad made me id stay away from her as far as possible. My life without my mom had been perfectly fine. I never really needed her and she clearly didn't need me. I never wanted a relationship with her either. So tell why I was like this after getting the news? I am such a hormonal teenage girl.

I sat there under the tree for who knows how long. I'm sure I barley cried I just sat there in silence trying to clear out my feelings. The scenery here was drop dead gorgeous and just so peaceful. It was like it was the only place where I could sit and just think without anyone interrupting me.

I could tell it was getting late but I didn't want to leave. So instead I laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky just in time to see the sun set.

"It's pretty out here hu?" A voice said from behind me. I knew this voice all too well. I closed my eyes taking it in. It didn't sound angry, but I could hear hurt.

"Yeah, really pretty." My voice was weak it sounded like I wanted to cry. Well shit.

"Thinking?" He sat down next to me but not close enough for my liking.

I took a deep sigh. "Yeah. You?"

"Tried but this my thinking spot. I knew you'd be here so I didn't come." He just looked up at the sky.

"It's your spot. You can come whenever you want." I looked up at the beautiful colors that were filling up the sky.

"Its yours too." He voice came out as a whisper.

"No, its yours." I didn't dare look at him or else I knew id cry.

"No, its ours. Even if you broke up with me, its still ours." He sounded so sincere. Once again I heard the hurt in his voice.

"I....-" He cut me off.

"I know. But hear me out. Its time I told you what the deal is." When he spoke those words I couldn't help but feel like hugging him really tight. Luke seemed so broken so hurt it was horrible I peeked a glance at him and saw he was staring right at me. I felt myself melt into him again but I tried my hardest to stay in my spot. I nodded to allow him to continue without me speaking.
"When we formed the band we broke some rules. Rules that were unsaid. The school had this other band that was like top notch and shit. They were juniors at the time and well wanted to rule everything. These kids were the rich snobby ones that could pay their way out of an F. The rules they had put were unknown and foreign to us. We just wanted to play our music. That's all. One day we got a note taped to the practice room telling us to drop the band or else we'd be in deep shit. We knew who it was but we thought the deep shit was like suspension or being bullied or something along those lines. But we were wrong. The guys and I decided it was worth taking a risk. Music is something we love and it was the only important thing to us. A few days later we each got a note in our locker. Calums said something along the lines of I know where you live. Your sister is pretty hot. Mikes said I know where you live I know where your mummy works watch it. Ashton's said Harry is sweet kid too bad for you hes too much of an easy target. Mine said oh Liz is lovley lady she'll probably be better dead. We thought it was a joke at first but then realized it wasn't but it was too late. Ever since that day they've been after us and the people we love. All because a stupid jock band found our band as a threat. I guess they found out how much you meant to me and well now they got you on the line too. I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you so badly but the night of out date Ashton told me at the café that they had threatened us again. If I told you they'd do something worse. A few hours later I got the call about the accident. I'm so sorry about your mom. I'm so sorry." Luke took a deep breath and just waited for my reaction.

I just sat there through his entire story. He looked so sad as he spoke. Luke was never sad ever. Seeing him like that broke down any walls I had built. I was soon embracing him in my arms and I felt a few silent tears trickle down my face. Luke stiffened at first but then embraced me with a bone crushing hug. I felt the tears he shed on my shirt. God this boy was crying. Help me resist him please. We stayed in that hug for quite a while until Luke pulled away to wipe some of the tears off my face with his thumb as I did the same to him. His gorgeous blue eyes were sill teary. I hated those blue eyes for killing me and melting me into him but they were just too perfect.

"Luke?" I was looking dead smack into his eyes.

"Yeah?" His eyes had a million emotions.

"I'm sorry. For everything." He looked at me as if in shock.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should apologize not you. You've done nothing wrong." He was so close to me. I felt his words in my face. My heart was beating so fast im sure it isn't healthy.

"I'm sorry for bringing more pain for you." I cupped his cheek. My hands felt so perfect against his skin.

"The only pain you brought was the pain im giving you." He took his hand and held the hand I had on his cheek. Just with that touch I felt sparks.

"Luke...I didn't break up with you because I don't care about you."

"I know. You don't have to get back together. I understand it's a lot for you to handle and with what I just told you I assume it'll be worse." His eyes saddened again and I felt that pain in me.

"Please stop." My voice came out demanding but in a whisper.

"What?" He was confused.

"Stop being in pain. Every time your eyes sadden I get this pain in the pit of my stomach and I want to cry. I hate seeing you like this. Seeing those blue eyes without they're usual light is killing me."

"I cant."

"What if I did this?" With that I put my lips on his. The kiss was one of the sweetest we've had. It held all of the emotions that were hard to tell with words but they flooded out with the touch of us. We both melted into the kiss and soon we were both laying cuddled against each other looking at the stars.

"Maybe we should wait." He spoke up almost reading my mind. Yes the kiss was amazing but right now there was so much going on that us being together would be so hard on the both of us. I knew that without him life would be hard but it had to happen. Things were already falling around us, maybe we just shouldn't be together yet.

"Maybe we should." He brought me closer to him as I spoke. We both knew the decision was a mutual one but it was going to be possible one of the hardest on the both of us. Since the moment we met there was something that well brought us together and having to split apart was going to be a living hell whole.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Man life sucks ass.

                                         HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO. Welp that is the new chapter. it did a bit of clearing up. and yes this story is about singing and the girl being shy about it but no worries it will all come together. I hope you guys like it and keep reading. Till next time my fellow readers! VOTE COMMENT SHARE READ AND YEAH BYYYYYYE ~Elena


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