Chapter 21- Beside you

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A kiss can show so much.

A lyric can show it too.

A song can show it.

When you put the three together its a heap of emotions. I always thought that id never get the chance to say that Luke and I were making it. I thought that since so many things were in our way that itd all fall apart. I was scared through it all. But who wouldn't be? When you have people on your toes trying to hurt you, when nothings seems to be going the way it should, when it all feels like it can fall part in a second. The day I saw Luke again was probably the best day of my life. The way we forgot about everything that had happened to us and just let our selves be happy with each other. We had to face it that being together wasn't an option it was what had to happen. We have to be together. I'm not saying that everything was going to be easy because lets face it wasn't. We still had a lot to learn about each other. We also had a lot of things going on in our individual lives. Luke had just gotten home from a world tour and would be recording for the bands album. I was starting to get my career taking off outside of our home town. It was a lot and it was going to be really hard but we could make it. I knew it. We were still young when all of this happened. I mean we were just teenagers experiencing life. We thought everything would be easy but life isn't easy and we had to learn it the hard way.

A bit after Luke and I got back together we visited our tree house. it was still there as beautiful as ever. I think that tree house was kind of the base of our relationship. As long as the tree house stands so will we. 


"LUKE! LUKE!" I yelled at Luke's sleeping body. he slowly started to wake up from all the yelling.

"Bells?" His voice all hoarse from just waking up.

"Luke! I got it! I got the deal! I'm going on tour!" I yelled jumping up down like a little kid.

"No way! That's amazing! When?" I could tell he was happy but also a bit worried.

I stayed silent and that's how he knew the answer wasn't going to be good. he sat up and pulled me in for a hug. "3 weeks before I leave." I whispered. He stiffened for a bit before relaxing again and tightening his grip on me. Luke was going on tour in less than a month and now our time was going to be cut even shorter because I was going on tour too. I knew we would make it but this was going to be the first time that we would be apart since we got back together.

"I'm going to miss you." He whispered into my hair. He was upset I could tell and to be honest so was I when he had told me that he was going on tour but neither of us said anything. We weren't up for it.

"We're gonna be ok. I know it." I said. Maybe I was trying to reassure myself more than him but I said it.

"I love you."

*End flashback*

After that tour things were going smoothly it was great. And ever since then things have been going great. Today Luke and I were going to go on a date. It was going to be our 2nd year anniversary. I was getting a bit nervous because he said there was some big surprise in store but what he didn't know was I had a huge surprise for him. No one knew about this other than me and I had been hiding it for a few weeks. This was going to change a lot of things and it wasn't exactly planned but it was there.

I now waited for Luke to arrive to take us to our destination. I sat on the couch looking through twitter at some of the stuff our 'shippers' were saying. Man fans are great. Suddenly the door bell rang. I knew it was Luke so I grabbed my bag and walked to the door. I opened it revealing a dashing Luke Hemmings.

"Well hello there gorgeous"

"Hello handsome." I replied

"Ready to go?" I nodded and he took my hand directing me to his car. We got in and started our drive to wherever he was taking me. I didn't ask questions about it because for one I trusted him and two he had specifically said not to ask question. What a party pooper.

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