Chapter 2- Do I really want to do this?

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As I walked out the nurse's office I kept thinking about what I was going to do. Do I go and sing? Do I chicken out? What do I do? I mean I would love to finally face my fears and sing in front of a crowd, but at the same time I feel like I would be making a fool out of myself. I kept thinking back to what Calum said. He was in a band, he had experienced this type of anxiety and he managed. But the difference was he was probably amazing and I pretty much stink.

I was so caught up in my head that I accidently bumped into something hard. "Ow." I looked up to see a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. "I'm so sorry." I managed to say without drooling or sounding like a fan girl.

"It's alright. Are you ok?" His voice was so smooth and gentle yet had a bit of a raspy tone to it.

"Yea...thanks. Sorry again." I said and picked up my things and continued to walk. The last thing I needed was to embarrass myself even more with another cute looking boy. The really weird thing is that I had never seen him before, just like I had never seen Calum. Did a bunch of random hot looking guys move to our school or something? Or I am just that dumb to have never seen them.

"Hey wait up!" I heard that same voice call out. I didn't stop because heck why would he be talking to me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm making stop. I turned around to see none other than those gorgeous blue eyes. "Why you running away from me?" His accent was clearly Australian.

"Sorry didn't think you were talking to me." I felt myself blush as I spoke to him. It was so odd I got this feeling in my stomach that made me go crazy. I had never felt anything like it before.

"Why would I not be calling you?" He laughed and it made that feeling in me go crazier. What is up with me??

"I don't knooooww....." I felt myself blush even more. I bet I looked like a freaking tomato. Man why out of all days does this happen to me. Why am I being punished?!

The boys started to laugh again. It was so cute. "Well my name's Luke Hemmings. I was with Calum and my other mates when you passed out and you're bumping into people. You sure you're ok?" He continued to laugh after he finished his sentence which only made me blush more. So this Luke guy was one of Calum's mates and saw me pass out. How much more embarrassing can this day get?!

"Gosh this is really embarrassing. Yeah I'm fine. I think. And by the way my names Annabella. I feel really stupid right now." Wait did I say that last part out loud?! Oh my goodnesss. Anna shut up already! You're only making a fool out of yourself for crying out loud!

"Haha. It's alright. Don't be embarrassed it's happened to all of us before. And you are certainly not stupid."

And of course to save me from my blabbermouthing skills a lovely familiar voice yelled "ANNNNNAAAAAAAAAAA!!" from down the hall. Both Luke and I turned around to see who it was. And there she was my best friend Jade. She came speeding down the hall bumping and pushing people all around until she finally reached me completely out of breath.

"Whoa are you ok?" Luke asked all concerned. Jade looked up and went wide eyed. Her breathing became dangerously irregular. She was grasping onto me for dear life.

"Jade! Breath. In and out. In. Out." I tried to calm her down and very slowly she was going to her normal breathing pattern. Jade turned to face me. She took a BIG breath. "Annabella Alexandra Grimshaw Linley where the fuck have you been?! Why am I finding out that you were in the nurse's office?! Who in the heck is this hunk?! Why have you not signed in to sing?! OHMYGOSH ARE YOU CHICKENING OUT?! ARE YOU GOING TO QUIT ON ME?!" She started to say some random things. This girl was having a major freak attack. I looked up to see Luke chuckling to himself.

"Whooooa. Slow down Jade. First off, don't use my FULL name. Secondly, I was clearly in the nurse's office for reasons that I shall explain later. The "hunk" has a mouth of his own so he can answer you're question, and....I might be quitting...." I looked around trying to escape the next series of questions that were obviously about to erupt from Jade's mouth.

"Well as the hunk, I can say my name's Luke Hemmings, and Annabella I'll catch you later. Jade here clearly needs some explaining and its none of my business. See ya." With that Luke walked away leaving me with Jade who was still confused.

"Ugh. I feel so stupid Jade. I freaking passed out before entering the school gate. Some guy named Calum along with his mates one of them being Luke took me to the nurse's office. I passed out because I was so afraid of performing. I can't do it! I just can't."

Jade pulled me in for a hug. "Hey, Listen sometimes things get scary but we end up doing them. Maybe it just isn't time for you to perform like this. Maybe we can start with a smaller crowd. Maybe next year you'll be ready to perform for everyone. Unless you really want to do this now?"

I thought about the question. Do I really want to do this now? "Yeah you're right. Maybe next year. I'm just not ready right now."

I sighed and with that Jade and I walked down the hall to our first period. This was going to be a really long day. If only I had the guts to do everything I wanted. If only I wasn't afraid of practically everything. If only I had the strength everyone else has. If only I had some talent somewhere in me.

                               AN: Well thanks for those of you who are reading. I really hope you guys continue and tell others of this story. I will try to update every day if not every other day. Byeeeeeee.

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