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;) Enjoy xx)

🌠 Chapter 2:  First day 🌠

I walked towards my locker, slowly looking around, ven went to get some kind of registration so she practically left me behind.

Looking around there were people talking looking at homework talking about gossip and even couples making out I mean that is just a disgrace,

If I was president I'd ban making out in school hallways

I finally reached my locker after a good 5min walk, I quickly stuffed my books inside and shut the door

Then I jumped in surprise, to my right there was a couple making out, literally sucking the life out of each other like there was no tommorow,

Suddenly realising who the girl was I cleared my throat "ahem" they both stopped and looked at me

"Um hi Jazmine" I said politely "Dani!" She said happily, Jazmine was one of my besties, on her left was Elijah he just stood there smirking

One year ago Elijah asked Jazmine to be his girlfriend and she surprisingly (no not really) said yes and I'm actually glad that there relationship is still going

Now Elijah, he was part of the bad boy/player squad but soon left after he found the 'girl of his dreams' he still occasionally hangs out with them tho,

Elijah is cute to be honest, in jazmine's terms hot as in fine hot, his Chocolate brown hair is messily on his head and dem defined cheekbones tho, one of the most egotistic boys I've known.

After a good stare at each other I finally broke the silence "so umm well I'll just get going then!" I said turning around

"Bye dani" she said then I heard them quickly run away
What the f is their problem

Then someone tapped me on my shoulder I tilted my head up "arghhh finally ven!" I groaned impatiently

She playfully hit me on my shoulder
"Sorry long queue" she said with a small smile, then suddenly the once loud hallways turned silent

Like seriously if you dropped a pin you could hear it

We both turned around To see the commotion, like cue dramatic music right now, looking around there were girls squealing and drooling over the coming.

"Oh my goodness" ven said without Looking at me, she was tapping my shoulder, "ven your acting like a love sick puppy" I argued quietly

She kept staring, "arghh the boy virus is out again!" I muttered "I'm glad I'm immune" I said under my breath, laughing at my pitied self

I looked to where all the girls and some boys were looking at, There in front walking was the one and only Matthew knight accompanied by Thomas and Everton

Matthew knight, apparently schools most popular playboy and bad boy, the way I described him would be arrogant selfish egotistic charismatic hot and cute

Wait did I seriously just think of those last two words, wth is wrong with my mind

In vens view, Matthews hot, dirty blonde hair giving him an f boy look dreamy green eyes broad shoulders, a total package she would say, I mean if looks could kill, I'd be the only one alive

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