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10k reads just happened over the time I was writing, like what?


🌠 Chapter 44: Emotional moments 🌠

Weeks have pasted after that encounter with Matthew, I've successfully been able to avoid them -him and Ven-

Even If I did see them, -Or Ven- she would send me a glare or look at me in disgust.

Like always, me and Ven haven't been hanging out a lot (more like not) sometimes when I need help with an outfit id call her she'd pick up but she would always say Matthews taking her out on a date, she would tell me to talk to Tracy or something

Or if I just needed some Bestie advice, I'd called her but her excuse would always involve Matthew

Honestly I've grown tired of calling her and hearing about their relationship, I don't even know if Ven is my best friend anymore,

sometimes the other five would come and visit just to see how I was doing, we'd pig out on junk food and watch sappy rom coms or even Netflix

They do keep my mind of things but the thought of ven and Matthews relationship swirled in my mind.

I turned off the T.V and slumped back onto the couch, I turned my body around so I was in a lying position, groaning I slapped my hand on top of my face

"Bubs are you okay?" I hear Annie's calming voice ask,

"Yeah just dandy" I say muffled through my hand

Annie comes closer so she's standing right in front of me, "you know you normally don't watch T.V in the dark with all the curtains closed at 10:54am on a Sunday morning"

"Eh" I mumble out

I see her frown before walking to the curtains, with a small movement the curtains swished open and the bright morning light streamed in

I groaned as I shut my eyes and buried my face into the couch pillows, "Annie why did you do that?"

"Come on get up!" Annie instructs like a fitness teacher, I shake my head lazily so at this moment I probably look drunk

Annie takes it upon herself and gently grabs my arm pulling me up, "Dani stop being stubborn"

After sighing I stand up on my two feet and blink rapidly as my eyes adjust to the sun shining in,

"Go outside you need the fresh air" Annie's says softly

I just hug her and nod quickly before moving to the front door

Not bothering to change out of my grey sweats and Harry potter Top, I put on some shoes and walked to my Car

After sitting on the drivers seat for a good five minutes I finally decide where I'm going to go

The Forrest

I arrive there and I am immediately welcomed by the flowery scent that spread through out the field, I smile as my legs brush the long grass and the nice combination of the sun and wind blow in my face

I spread my arms out and i felt as I was in a dramatic scene, everything jut felt right here,


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