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🌠 Chapter 16: Cars and whip cream fights 🌠

And oh my gosh you wouldn't believe who it was, I mean from a cheery waiter to a street racer, what the fudge.


Dani's P.O.V

I was now frozen in shock, I mean it's just a normal girl working at a diner, you know all casual and not in the state of 'hot', sure she didn't a lot mean a lot to me, but what the actual fudge


Out of all the damm people on this humane earth it had to be that cheery waiter, I'll give her a Grammy for that acting, like I totally fell for her 'nice act'

I was in the middle of my thoughts I didn't realised a small hand gripped my shoulder, startled I flinched and looked up

shiznits it's Castiel,

Wow dani your reaction is spotless

Oh shut up conscience

You know you want me

shut up

Someone's on their period

Of course I am dumbass

but I am-

My conscience didn't get to finish its sentence, oh well stupid conscience didn't want to shut up

"WHAT THE F*CK!" "STOP ZONING OUT" she literally shouted,

Her grip on my shoulder grew tighter, I clenched my jaw, this is starting to hurt

I looked up at her, her eyes were filled with anger and determination, "JUST F*CKIN ANSWER MY QUESTION!" She snapped again

"hehe I guess I'm not the only one on their period" I said trying to break the tension

"Haha this is so funny not!" She said whilst rolling her eyes, her fingernails were starting to dig into my shoulder blade,

I bit my bottom lip as the pain started to deepen, okay I should really concentrate now, it's a matter of life and death right now,

Re-jogging my thoughts, she must have asked "what are you doing here?" I looked up at her to see her face waiting for an answer

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I uhh went to that store" I said pointing towards the store, "and then I heard some cars and that's what happened" I said taking a breath

she let go of my shoulder and snarled, jeez this girl is mean

She made sure she was eye level, "Now listen to me dani Cortez, do not f*cking mess with me don't stalk me don't even dare to tell anybody especially that idiotic boyfriend of yours of what happened tonight" she said sternly

It definitely frightened me, I nodded fast, it creeped me out that she knew my surname, okay I'm acting like a chicken, but this girl frightened the hell out of me

I'm a little pissed right now, Jordan is my bestfriend I don't think of him anything more, he belongs with Juliana. (A/N: *wink wink nudge nudge*)

She stood up and shoved her hand down her pocket and pulled something out, I realised it was the $50 I gave her

My eyes were nearly bulging out, she stuck her hand out and gave it to me "keep this sh*t I have tons" I slowly grabbed it, she smirked

Then went into a laughter fit, I furrowed my eyebrows "Haha-oh-m-y-good-ness" "you-shoul-d have see-n your face!" She said whilst laughing

"Don't worry I'm not that mean, I just care about my reputation" she said while giving me a hand, I gladly accepted it and she easily helped me up,

I smiled slightly, "now leave before i regret this" she said now in a stern voice

This girl must be bipolar

I nodded and she made her way to her car and drove off, I ran to my car and looked at my phone for the time, I realised it had 18 missed calls from jordan,

I called him back and he picked it up on the first ring, "WHAT THE F*CK DANI" he shouted "Jordyy I'll be home soon, my uhh" I thought for a second "I have a flat tire" I lied smoothly

"Oh" "then-" but I cut him off "I didn't call cause I was busy getting it fixed" again smooth, I didn't let him reply i hung up and quickly made my way back to my house

castiel kept entering my mind, it's like one of those bad girl books with those switch personalities on wattpad woo cool

I finally reached home after parking and locking my car I headed inside to see Jordan sleeping peacefully

I quickly tiptoed into the kitchen and grabbed a whip cream bottle, I made my way to the living room, I counted to 3 before spraying like crazy




(Insert whip cream sounds)

He jolted awake and realized the big mess whip cream mess around him "Oh sweet dani, oh nice of you" he said sarcastically, he took his finger and licked himself like there was no tomorrow

I laughed helplessly, he stopped "have I also mentioned how much I like revenge?" And with that the tickle fight started, we were both laughing breathlessly, he managed to grab the whip cream bottle and he sprayed some on me, so much for my nice clothes

Oh my goodness I'm turning into Tracy, i remembered when she literally screamed so loud because we had to do a mud course without our gym clothes on, she was wearing designer jeans and top, she got into detention after class, ven on the other hand cares as much about her clothes but she took the situation very different,

He kept tickling me, and I was laughing so hard my cheeks started hurting, suddenly some very harsh memories came into my mind

All the times Matthew tickled me and made me smile all the times were he made me laugh, and all those times he made me feel really special,

I didn't notice that Jordan had stopped and was staring at me concerned, "hey why are you crying?" He asked with a soothing tone, I shook my head "tears of laughter" I replied

"dani Ive known you long enough to know that your lying, tell me what's wrong" he said slowly

I guess I had tears coming out

I answered with a simple word


His eyes turned into rage "I will kill that mother-f*ckin b*tch" he sweared

I wrapped my arms around his neck and enveloped him into a hug, he hesitated but soon returned it, "don't worry about me, worry about Juliana" I whispered into his ear

I pulled back and smirked, his eyes dilated "oh you asked for it" he said with an evil smirk, he licked my face where the whip cream was, I pushed him back and ran around the large house making sure he didn't catch me,

And that's how my Saturday went, a blast with a few bumps.


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