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(Un-edited chapter ;) Enjoy! xx)

🌠 Chapter 4:  Notes and meetings 🌠

Once we were at school, me and ven had to go our separate ways, arghh the pain of school

She had art while I had science so I lazily went to my locker to grab my books

I opened my locker door and a note fell out of it, so I went ahead and picked it up it read

Meet me in the back of the football field in 1min

What the beep, I mean why me? So I checked my watch realising science was in 10min so I quickly grabbed my science book and started making my way to the football field

Arghhh, this could be a rapist or an ex-murderer, my guts were giving me second thoughts

But I mean I might as well see myself, the football field was almost deserted just the cheer team practising and some students talking

I casually walked to back of the field, looking for this mysterious person, I checked my watch '8min to go'

Then I saw someone, dirty blonde hair broad shoulders his back was turned away from me, I mentally face palmed myself

I looked around desperately wishing someone else was here, but no one was around just matthew-forkin-knight.

Am I gonna say hi?, nah screw this, I turned on my heel about to go back to class

"Cortez wait" he said, I slowly turned around and plastered on a fake smile, "hi" I mumbled

"I need to talk to you" he said with a serious tone, he patted the seat next him, which technically was a tree trunk that he was sitting on

I gulped the lump in my throat and sat down next to him, his cologne was so strong I could nearly die, his arm gently touched mine,

I sighed "what do you want?"
"Well umm..." He scratched the back of his neck
"Do you wanna go out?" He finally said

'What?' Why all of a sudden why me "oh just hanging out, nothing serious" he replied

Wait did I just say that out loud, arghhh

I looked into his green eyes, 'is he lying?' Because if he is I would give him an Oscar, "why me?" I said bluntly

"I don't know" he replied looking down, "umm no sorry" I said standing up, heck to the no I would never go out with a guy like him

I turned on my heel and started walking away, but he caught my wrist "please!" He pleaded

"No I hate you and you probably hate me to" I snapped "I didn't say I hated you, come on please" he asked

I sighed and thought about it, maybe I could change his mind on ven and I wouldn't have to see her get hurt,

I finally gave in, "sure whatever" I said casually, "YASSS thank you" he said excitedly, it was hard to tell whether he was lying or not

I took a short glimpse at my watch realising I had 5 min left 'oh no' I turned on my heel and started running

"Meet me in the car park after school!" He shouted, I ran faster

Why had I got myself into,


I reached the science class in time, I walked to the only empty desk available, and started listening to the teacher who was calling the roll

After we started learning about some kind of science whizz thing

Then the door burst open, I looked over to see who it was, it was Matthew, "you are late Mr knight" the teacher said sternly "sorry" he said back

I knew he didn't mean it, "take a seat" she said before turning back to the board, seeing as the only seat left empty was beside me I prayed the he would get a kid to move

But no my prayers were not heard and he sat next to me, I ignored his presence and listened to the teacher

Although the whole time I could feel him staring at me, I looked back at and I caught him staring he smirked and simply turned to the teacher

"Okay class so your homework is to find out about...,." The bell rang, thank goodness I'm saved, away from Matthew

She quickly dismissed us and I ran out to look for ven, I kept thinking about this 'going out thing' so I needed to get my mind away from that

I finally saw her at her locker, "hey ven!" I said happily, she turned to look at me "hi" she said back

"Well well well, if it isn't Cortez and Anderson" a girly voice interrupted us, I looked at the owner of the voice

Sh*t it's trinity, I looked over at ven who looked as terrified as I was,
Meet trinity schools most popular girl or should I say barbie doll, I did have to admit she was pretty

Luscious blonde hair, amazing complexion and the perfect model body, she wasn't as perfect as ven though

She was about 6ft tall with her pink high heels so she basically towered us, trinity has also slept with a miraculous number of boys, I mean eww

Yup trinity the one who was on Matthews lap at lunch, the one who almost tripped ven, the most stupid imbecile ever,

You know what they say blondes are stupid, well this one heck to the yes, I mean not all are, but trinity she is,

Trinity has one minion, her best friend Stephanie, she's a little uglier though after she got plastic surgery done a year before,

And together they make bay's water high the worst school ever. Now to be honest trinity is a nice name given to a big b**ch.

She looked over at me and batted her long false eyelashes "stay away from Matthew" she said narrowing her beady eyes

I looked at her puzzled "sure whatever" I said slowly "good" she said taking her eyes of me,

"Oh and you venxia, we have told you a number of times to join us, I mean you would be perfect in our group of popular girls, I don't know why you chose her" trinity said

Ven narrowed her eyes at her "it's because she's not a big b**ch like you" she snapped

Trinity batted her long false eyelashes again "what did you say?" I smiled slyly "go away before I stick my fist down your throat" I threatened

She turned on her heel and starting away, Stephanie followed, "this isn't over!" She shouted

I high fived ven "way to go dani" she smirked.


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