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(Enjoy xox)

🌠 Chapter 5: Breathtaking scenery 🌠

My palms were getting sweaty, my eyes darted back and forth towards the clock, it was nearly the end of class

And nearly time to go with Matthew, Arghhh why did I even say yes? I stupidly thought

"Dani!" Someone was violently nudging me, I turned to see who it was, well of course it was ven

And obviously we were in the same class 'duh dani wake up' I mentally slapped myself

"Dani?" She asked again, I quickly looked down at the papers realising it was a history assignment that I was doing with her

"Sorry" I mumbled, I grabbed my pencil and starting jotting down things that related to the topic

"Whoa whoa whoa girl" she quietly said "what?" I asked pissed, she looked at like I grew a second head

"Nothing" she said, I continued to write down answers for the assignment while ven just watched me

She did her part by writing down notes from the history book while I was zoning out, and desperately wishing time could go slower

How was I gonna explain this to her?, she knows how much I hate him, 'but I'm doing it for her anyways' I thought on the bright side

"Riiiiiiiiing" the bell rang, "nooooo" I thought in my head as I picked my books up,

"So dani what do you want to do now?" Ven asked cheerfully, I looked down at my shoes,

Think of an excuse dani!

"Umm my mom actually texted me saying i have an errand to do so um yeah I've go to go!" I said trying to sound as convincing as possible

Her smile soon turned into a small frown "oh ok" she said in utter disappointment,

"I'll make it up to you next time" I whispered with a small smile before making my way to the car park.

After I made sure that the school was almost deserted, i walked out to the carpark, I couldn't get caught by ven or any of my friends

I walked over to a midnight black Ferrari where an angry looking boy sat, his back was against the door

Oh how he still looked hot when he was angry, I walked over calmly with a cheery smile on my face

He snapped his head so it was looking directly in my dark brown eyes

"What the f took you so long?" He asked angrily while he rounded to the drivers seat,

He went inside the car and I did the same sitting on the passengers side, once we were inside I finally answered his question

"Well it's your fault, you asked me in the first place" I mocked
He just sat there glaring at me, I rolled my eyes

After what seemed like a decade I finally broke the silence "well what are you waiting for? Christmas?" I said annoyance evident in my tone

He smirked before roaring the engine into life

Way to describe a car aye *winks*

He drove out of the school property and after a few minutes of silence I asked him a question

"So where are we going?" I asked in pure boredom "secret" he said without looking at me

I sighed and looked out the window admiring the beautiful nature, for a while I forgot that I was in the same car as Matthew

All my feelings lifted away, and I felt almost what free, until he started talking, I turned to him and looked at him curiously

"So um ven? how did you two meet?" He asked carefully, I'm sure that was meant to be an insult to why an ugly girl like me would be with her, like "how did sexy hot ven happen to be best friends with someone as ugly as you"

"Well, you were there weren't you?" I asked irritated, "nope" he said popping the p

I breathed in, "we were playing that's it" I summarised, "oh" was all he said,

Soon he pulled into a small parking space next to a giant park, I gasped at the wonderful sight

"You like it?" He asked questionably as he turned the engine off
"It's beautiful" I said not taking my eyes of the park

There were brightly grown flowers scattered around, the lake sparkled and the trees swayed to a gentle rhythm, it was breathtaking,

He opened his door and got out, I did the same and he locked the car afterwards before he started walking into the park,

Matthew P.O.V

We were in the locker room after we had a game of soccer, we won 8-5, the boy were changing and sharing thoughts of the other team,

"Boy you should have seen one of the guys who were playing, he ran like a girl" one of the boys said

I smirked at the thought, "hey dude" Thomas asked me snapping my out my daze, I looked at him "what's up?"

"The thing that happened in the cafeteria, spill" he asked curiously, I scoffed "what's there to talk about?" I said putting a fresh white top on

"You and ven and that chick" he answered "what?" I replied instantly
"I mean why ven, you've been going after her since day 1" he said calmly

I felt like sticking my fist down his throat, venxia, was one of the most beautiful things my eyes have ever landed on, she's perfect!

I've seen the way she looks at me, gentle and longingly, she's always starstrucked over me, I mean we could have been together years ago,

But there's one thing stopping us, and that's Dani, I mean why interfere with that, having known her for as long as I could remember, she's always been an annoying piece of sh*t,

Okay so I may have exaggerated but! She was still annoying

I remember having a strange memory of a girl spewing up during class, she looked awfully familiar, I laughed at the thought,

"So what dude?" He asked, before I could answer he interrogated even more "I mean dude you are the schools number one Badboy and playboy, you've liked ven since you started talking to her, that's just gonna ruin your rep" he said in an edgy tone

I sat down on the bench and rested my face into my palms, "I don't know dude" "this is to hard"

He looked over at me, I quickly changed the topic, "since when did you turn into a girl?" I asked while smirking

"Stop being pessimistic, I'm just saying that you should make your move soon!" He said as he patted my shoulder before exiting the locker room.


So much secrets still! *wink wink*

So much secrets still! *wink wink*

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