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This Chapter is dedicated to amalamma because she's amazing...but also all you readers!

< Tenerife Sea -Ed Sheeran >

🌠 Chapter 49: "I'm Sorry" 🌠

Matthew knight looking good as ever stands there holding a microphone, like Venxia stated he was wearing a blue and white tie with a grey tuxedo, if I wasn't feeling so down about him, my jaw would have dropped and I would openly gape at his hotness

The hottest person this very night.

Shaking those thoughts away, I gulped as everyone stopped slow dancing and turned to face Matthew

"Tonight I have a very special announcement to make!" He says glancing at the crowd, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down

I ignored the wrenching of my heart, and I looked forward at Venxia who had a thoughtful look on her face, she had her hands clasped together by her chest, and a big smile as if she was awaiting something big from him,

I tried forcing my eyes away from what ever was gonna happen, but it wouldn't allow me,
was he going to propose an infinity ring for, Was he going to pronounce his love for Venxia? I wondered what was going to happen, I fisted my hands and squeezed it preparing for the next words to tumble out of his mouth.

"I, Matthew knight have made the most terrible decision in the 17 years I've lived" he started
I furrowed my eyebrows, I was not expecting that.

"Over this past senior year, I've learnt things that occurred in my past-"
His sea green eyes met mine for a second and I swear my heart almost melted.

"I am in love with someone for so long I didn't realize it, for so long I thought it was another girl"

Butterflies erupted in my stomach, my heart beat faster

By this point everyone's attention was on him, a lot were puzzled judging by the look on their faces,

My eyes found Venxia, her arms stayed limp on her side and something unreadable flashed through her eyes, the thing was they were dark.

"There is someone sitting, not standing, sitting, she's absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous, it's saddening to know I can't call her mine"

I feel my eyes go moist, I quickly move my head side to side and there's no one but me sitting, the girls who aren't dancing are jut standing off in one corner talking amongst each other, boys in another, other then that Matthew was directly talking about me.

I hear gasps around me, now most eyes turn back to me,
"Daniella Chloe Cortez" he says slowly finally landing his gaze onto me

I feel tears run down my face and I bring my hand to my mouth.

"I am hopelessly in love with you!" He says, his eyes soften completely

And I feel the waterworks pour out,

"I know this is very wrong to say with me being in a relationship with another girl, but what's the point of leading on a beautiful girl in a relationship id rather be friends with, I am taking into account that if anyone were in the position of Venxia it would feel bad, so bad, but I love this girl so much that I am willing to fight for her"

"I'm not sure if you remember but I was in a previous relationship with Dani Cortez, back in freshman to sophomore year up until junior year, I got into a crash which literally turned everyone's world, Dani and I almost became Bayswater golden couple and the feeling I had in my memories we shared felt so good, only difference is now it's stronger"

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