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🌠 Chapter 25: "what can I say I'm Cupid" 🌠

Studying with Matthew has never been funner,

I watched as he bombarded a sheet with answers, we worked together solving completely complicated equations

Paper by paper were being stacked, they were filled with different mathematical answers

Finally the lunch bell had arrived, I gave a small smile to Matthew and gathered my items before exiting the library

Okay I've thought less of Matthew as an arrogant jerk, when he puts his mind to something he's actually really sweet and kind about it but that's just math,

Life doesn't go along with it

Lunch was boring as usual except for my food, the talk of the ball was still fresh and alive

I wonder who Matthew was gonna ask out, apparently he hasn't asked anybody so I have a feeling trinity was lying

Wait let me say that again, I knew that trinity was fudging lying


Third day of studying with Matthew, very interesting if I do say so myself

"Do you remember when we were playing 20 questions?" He suddenly asked

I looked at him, "yes" I said slowly

"Okay so I didn't get to answer your question"

"You don't have to answer it you know" I said quickly

"No like I told you I will" he said assuringly

"Okay" I said not trusting my voice, I will finally find out if he got his memory back

But wait if he did wouldn't he act differently around me, say sorry? get back together?

So many conclusions were popping up in my mind, I wasn't sure if I wanted my question answered anymore

Sighing I let him say it,

He opened his mouth to speak, but then something interrupted us

Thank you bell!

"Sorry I uh go to go to ven!" I said quickly, gathering my items in the process

Sure I could have stayed but I'm sure that I wouldn't like to know just yet

I sighed in relief once I was out of the library.


Fourth day, was crazy

I decided to not let Matthew give me his answer, I realized I wasn't ready...yet

It was slightly awkward at the beginning of our study, he kept giving me strange looks before I eventually snapped at him asking him why he was looking at me

And do you know what he did, he just shrugged like can you believe it he just shrugged

I sighed and went back to my work, we've gone through a quarter of the dozen notes mr conroy gave us that would he said would be important for the competition

Taking a glance it my watch it was a few minutes till lunch, closing my notebook and placing it away along with my pencil case securely in my bag

I looked over at Matthew who seemed engrossed in a question, slightly tilting my head I looked over at Matthews note

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