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🌠 Chapter 29: Dancing and jealousy 🌠

After an exhausting shopping trip, we all parted our ways

Leaving me and Gabrielle left, we both had dance next

Yes Gabrielle does dance, hip hip to be exact

I was mentally partying in my head, because it's way better then Shopping

We finally made it to the dance studio, hopping out of the car, grabbing our dance bags in the process

Then we headed inside the building, we both had hip hop together so we went straight into the same class

We got changed Into some more flexible stuff because no one wants to dance in jeans
-which Gabrielle was wearing

We stretched in the mirror, different students came flooding in, we greeted them with hello's

our dance teacher soon came in

Nicole was her name, she had long wavy blonde hair which was slick back into a high ponytail, she was incredibly fit, and extremely nice, she just moved to Florida recently and just started teaching here, I didn't know to much about her, although I do know she is pretty young

we immediately got into one of the dances, that we were preparing for the dance show

'Break a sweat'

'Break sweat'

'Don't get tired yet'

Body roll, turn, jump

After the first dance, me and Gabrielle high fived each other
"Great lets do that again this time more emphasis, more attitude" she shouted before putting the stereo to full blast

We quickly got into our positions, the music started and I got straight into it, moving my body the rhythm

I let myself lose myself in the music, I enjoyed every bit of it

After we did our finishing poses, I stood up and placed an arm around Gabrielle, "I'm tired" I said in a lazy tone

"Haha your also pretty sweaty" Gabrielle said in a monotone, whilst placing my arm away from her shoulder

the rest of the dance lesson went past in a blur, i gathered up my stuff and made my way to the class next door for jazz,

"Hey who's picking you up?" I asked before rounding the corner, Gabrielle just finished putting her drink bottle away

"Uhh...Everton" she admitted shyly, her eyes lighting up with lust

Speaking of the lover boy, he shall appear, Everton came around and slung an arm around Gabrielle's shoulder like what I did before

She made no move to move it, she stood there her cheeks blushing furiously, I rolled my eyes

He kissed her chastily on the lips, Making me shudder slightly

Their kiss suddenly turned into a small make out session, I winced at the sight before clearing the air

"Hi Everton" I said with a smile he stopped his lip lock with Gabrielle, and he looked at me strangely, his facial features screaming 'confused'

After his face immediately relaxed

"Right your dani" he said returning a cute smile

"Yup the one and only" I said letting out a dry laugh

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