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🌠 Chapter 38: "wanted to get some Icecream" 🌠

Dani's P.O.V

I couldn't concentrate on my maths task, my mind kept wandering to what had happened earlier his mother had given him clues to our past relationship to which I don't know if I should be grateful for or angry

Matthew knows about a girl I don't want to say it's me because who knows during the time I was in Las Vegas he could have been seeing someone,

But I don't count on that, Matthew called me every second day of the month I was in Las Vegas so I highly doubt he was seeing someone

"Dani are you okay?" Matthew asks from beside me, I take one look at him and let out a frustrated groan

"I'm doing very well" I reply in a monotone

"You haven't even started and I'm on my 5th task" Matthew says

I lazily view his work and see the number 5 on the page which only makes me wanna groan more, "seriously ever since we got back you've been quiet and you keep groaning" he says as if it's the most obvious thing ever

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, I instead look down at my work making me inwardly groan today's just not my day

I begin drawing random scribbles on the page, Matthew stays quiet beside me

"I think I'm gonna keep that photo of both of us on Facebook" he suddenly says, As Soon as those words left his mouth, my head shoots up and looks at him with a confused expression

"You can't" I say back


"Because you can't"

"You have no reason"

"What don't you understand? If you don't delete it ven will see it!" I half yell at him slamming my small hands onto the desk

Matthew looks taken aback by my action before putting on a smirk, "and?" He says with a sly grin

"OH FOR FUDGING SAKE VEN LIKES YOU OKAY SHE LIKES YOU" I finally shout at him, although I soon clamp my hand over my mouth because I just told vens secret

He fist pumps the air, His grin fades and is replaced with a big smile, a smile that I oh so much miss, I shake my head and look away, no he and ven like each other they can go marry and live happily ever after, the end.



One more day until the maths competition my adrenaline is running and I am super duper excited *note my super duper sarcasm*

Matthew has been extra happy ever since I've told him that Ven likes him back, yet I'm the complete opposite I don't know why I'm like this I don't even like him...

Matthew even promised me that we would go to the local ice cream parlour after training and something special afterwards, honestly I am excited but deep down I feel really bleh

"Hey guys what task are you up to?" A voice says from the speakers, my mind clicks and I know that it's Castiel speaking

I press the button "task 61"

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