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(Enjoy xox)

 🌠 Chapter 6: Secret plans and decisions 🌠

Matthews P.O.V

After setting up the note in Dani's locker, I dashed out to the field, this had to give me some benefit

I was just one step away from ven, all I need is this plan to work, I know playing with a girls feeling is bad especially with Dani, she's smart and can take this way to seriously,

I found a trunk at the back of the field and sat on it waiting for Dani to come, the sun was so bright I turned around so my back was against it,

I kept thinking about what Thomas said, "you should make your move soon" arghhh it just got me so messed up

But I'm that desperate towards ven, aren't i? I'll do anything it takes to get dani away from ven,

I heard some quiet footsteps behind me, I turned around seeing it was dani, she looked like she going back

"Cortez wait!" I said in frustration although I didn't make a voice sound like it, she slowly turned around with a forced smile,


"Hi" she mumbled, "I need to talk to you" I said trying to be serious
It was kinda awkward her standing up and me sitting down

So I patted the seat next to me
She sat down, her delicate skin gently touched mine, her scent of vanilla filled my nose, this was the closest I've been to her

She sighed "what do you want?" She asked irritated, I scratched the back of my neck, need to act normal I thought

No your just being an idiot

"Do you wanna go out?" I finally said "what, why me?" She said curiously
I made myself look surprised

Nah you would never be an actress, dream on

"What no just hanging out" I replied back, she studied me carefully, before saying "why me?" In a blunt tone

This is hard, curse my amazing acting skills

So I followed my guts, and let my mouth speak not my brain "I don't know" I said looking down

Your stupid, I know

"Ummm sorry no" she said while standing up,

This is new for you stupid, no one has ever rejected you before,

She turned on her heel and was about to start walking away, think Matthew

I caught her wrist "please!" I pleaded "No I hate you and you probably hate me too" she snapped

Yup you got it right I hate you

"I didn't say I hated you, come on please," I begged once more


She thought about it for a sec, come on think Dani, I'm not here forever

"Fine" she said after a while, "yass thank you" I said excitedly

No really it's for ven
Just shut the f up subconscious

She took a glimpse at her watch before running of,
to be honest the angle of her ass was good from here


"Meet me in the carpark after school!" I shouted loudly

"Plan A, complete" I said after she was out of earshot.


I've been waiting for Dani for ages, the bell rang ages ago and she's still not here,

I leaned back on my car door making sure that angry written all over it, she's such a b**ch

soon I saw her walking towards me, I kept no eye contact with her and stared at the brick wall opposite me

Once she reached me, I snapped my head towards her, there was a cheery smile all over her face,

I got pissed, "what the f took you so long?" I asked as I rounded to the drivers seat, she followed except in the passengers seat

Once she was seated she answered my question, "well it's your fault, you asked me in the first place" she mocked, I just say there glaring at her, she rolled her eyes


After a while she broke the silence, "well what are we waiting for Christmas?" She said annoyance evident in her tone

I smirked and turned on the engine before driving out of the schools property,

"so where are we going?" She asked in fake boredom, "secret" I replied without looking at her, she sighed and looked out towards the window

I looked over at her, I didn't think I would ever say this, but the way she looked was worth a million dollars, her brown hair flew back, her face gleamed, she was just beautiful,

Matthew it's ven not Dani

I snapped out of my trance and turned to look at the road

This was getting too cliche

The silence was suspending me, so I spoke up, maybe it's time to know about ven and her

"So um how did you and ven meet?" I asked her carefully,
"Well, you were there weren't you?" She asked in irritation, "nope" I said popping the p

She breathed in "we were playing" she said quickly, "oh" what else was there to say?

Soon I turned to a small park that I took all my girlfriends to, yup I know I'm not a creative person

Once I found parking, I saw her looking outside, she gasped, I was puzzled, I could see her honesty I mean the girls I've taken here they lie on how beautiful this place is

I turned of the engine "you like it here?" First honest question I've said since I've been with her

"It's beautiful" she said without looking at me, wow she really adored nature.


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