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"It's not his fault that his car crashed" my mom whispered

"Mom I know, but he said that he loved me and that I was his one and only" I managed to croak out

I felt my eyes go glassy, my sight blurred,

"He promised me" I whispered,

"Honey-" my mom said whilst patting my back

I interrupted her "I was waiting for him to wake up and when he finally did he asked for-"

I was now crying waterfalls, my heart throbbed with pain, everything came back the memories, the pain all because of Matthew,

I clutched my chest area, as the air constricted "he a-sked for someone named vee vee" I said amongst the pain

"I stood there, I didn't know what to do, until he said 'vee vee I still love you' and I was lost, I didn't know who it was but from that I gave up, I ran out"

"I ran as fast as my feet could take me, the doctor was right, he got a slight head concussion and received a little amnesia"


🌠 Chapter 21: Matthew and Burger King 🌠

I woke up and blinked a couple of times, my eyes adjusted to the light

Wait this isn't my room, I stretched my arms out and sat up, realising I was on a couch, I was in the living room

How did I end up here? My brain searched, right I cried myself to sleep,
I reached down and found my bag which I had left there, I grabbed my phone and looked at the time


I've slept for an hour, great, I placed my feet onto the ground, "Annie where are you?" I called out, a small yawn soon followed

"I'm in the kitchen bubs" she replied
"Okay!" I skipped to the kitchen and found Annie making dinner

"Hmm smells nice" I exclaimed as the smell wafted in the air, "well mash potatoes and steak never goes wrong" Annie replied with a laugh,

"Where's mom?" I asked
"She left a note on the coffee table"

She laughed "oh bubs it's fine your to occupied with your own problems to realize simple things that are right before you"

A small smile made it's way onto my face, I went back to the living room and found the note,

Honey I had To leave early, hope you'll do fine, I'm gonna be back tomorrow, gonna stay at a friends house

Love you, mom

Placing the note down, i lazily sat back down on the couch, sighing

I rubbed my hand on my head,

Then something vibrated next to me, realizing it was my phone that was ringing, I looked at the ID caller, it was an unknown number

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