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🌠 Chapter 37: my life is just great🌠

Dani's P.O.V

"the photo you posted on Facebook" i said taking a small sip of my coffee, Matthew nodded his eyes studying me for a while, his gaze lingering 

"what about it?' he finally asks

i rolled my eyes, how stupid can Matthew knight get? "ven" i whispered out

his eyes widened "sh*t" he muttered lowly

"ah finally the bad boy understands!" I say throwing my hands up to emphasize  my words, Matthew just  shakes his head before eating some of his eggs and bacon, i smirk slightly but it changes fast

"you should delete it, i don't think Ven would like to be viewing that every time she visits your profile" i recommend quietly

"what about the matani shippers?" he whines childishly, my eyes widened "don't you want venthew or manxia shippers?" i ask awkwardly, he thinks about it for a moment and he shrugs

"as much as i like ven matani kind of sounds better" he says, i stare at him even more did he really mean what he said?

"have you been told that you have a habit of staring?" Matthew says in a slightly pissed of tone

i blush slightly, before coughing before dying of coughing before my damn funeral happens

okay exaggeraation

"matani's just easier to pronounce" he says pulling his phone out his pocket

my heart drops to the pit of my stomach right now's a good time to dig a hole

i replace the forming frown with a small smile, whats the use if even knows how i'm feeling?, i cupped the warm liquid and finished the remains, "anyways we should go somewhere" Matthew says standing up and placing a twenty dollar bill onto the table, i stand up and follow him as he walks out of the cafe

Matthew unlocks his car and slides in to his side, it's feels quite normal for me to slide into it seeing as i've been doing it ever so frequently, i look outside the window as matthew starts the engine, the suns shining brightly today.

After about 15 minutes of driving Matthew finally comes to a stop, I took a glance at my surroundings to realize we were in the middle of no-where,

Why are we in the middle of no-where?

Lengths of large green trees stood beside the long winding road, I knew it Matthew was definitely planning to kill me today out of all days

Matthew got out of the car and gestured me to follow him, I carefully open the car door and get out, the scent of the pine trees made it's way into my nose

I scrunch my nose up, yeah I don't like the smell of it

"Your cute when you scrunch your nose up" Matthew comments

I blush slightly and look away forgetting what I thought Matthew was gonna do, my instinct immediately kicked in because I got into action jumping into a karate position

"If anyone's dying here it's you" I say bouncing forwards and backwards on my feet, Matthew had this confused but amused look on his face

"What the hell are you doing?" Matthew says in a steady tone

"I know your plan your gonna kill me, but just so you know I know karate" I say looking him in the eye

Matthew stares at me with a blank face, and before I know it he does the most un-expected thing, Matthew goes into fits of laughter he's clutching his chest as he lets out hearty laughs

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