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🌠 Chapter 18: Can we just say Awkward much? 🌠

Matthews P.O.V

"Yo dude" Thomas called out, "sup man" i replied as we met each other at school, no one bothered to carpool so we just ended up driving by ourselves

I watched as Ven's Red ford came onto school grounds, she swiftly parked into an empty parking space, her windows were tinted rather darkly so you wouldn't be able to see what was inside,

"Yo man" Thomas greeted, i turned around and realised Everton was there with a small grin, i swear somethings wrong with that man, he's only been at this school for 1 year, yet i know that small grins like that mean something,

I raised my eyebrows as a sign of 'hi', he did the same before walking away, "dude wait" Thomas called after everton, "Sorry dude i kinda have to go somewhere" Everton replied calmly but you could sense the urgency in his voice,

"Yeah okay" Thomas replied, and with that Everton walked away, "yo man ill see you later" Thomas said, i simply nodded before turning my attention back to where Ven's  car was parked, no sign of her presence was to be seen,

"YOUR MOVING HERE OH MY GOSH THANK THE HEAVENS!" A girls whose voice was familar shouted,

I slowly turned around to see the owner of the voice, and there standing was Dani and some guy who i didn't know, probably new here, Dani and that guy continued with their conversation except in a lower volume

I watched as this 'guy' ruffled Dani's hair, they seemed so carefree together, Dani must have known him for some time, after a while, this 'guy' put his arm around dani's shoulder, and she made no move to move it,

I felt a light pang of jealousy in my stomach, it was just Dani no one else why do i feel jealous? Last time i checked i didn't have feelings for Dani


"Stop!" Her light happy voice screamed as i chased her
"Matthew!" She screamed again as i finally caught up to her and tickled her sides
"Never thought you would scream my name like that" i whispered into the crook of her neck
She giggled, it was the same girl whose face was blurred

Memory ends

They soon disappeared into the school entrance, damm I've been in the same spot for the past 20min 

"Matthew!" A light but beautiful voice said, i turned to the person,

This day just gets stranger and stranger

Who would have thought that the one and only Venxia would be standing right in front of me with a cheery smile on her face

"Oh-i-u-h Ven" i said as i brought my hand to the back of my neck, okay no I'm just being really awkward right now, "um well i'll see you later!" She said skipping off, i nodded and watched her hot pink mini skirt flow to the sides, which gave the perfect view of her ass, and her white singlet, wait i don't think you want me to explain that, i let a small smirk creep on my face.

Ven what do you do to me?


I finally caught up to Thomas and Everton they were together walking in the school hallways, girls were swooning over us, i mean what can i say i got charm

I spotted Dani and this 'guy' walking on the opposite side of us meaning that we were going to pass them, not that Thomas nor Everton was going to care, i kept a smirk on my face and casually passed the love struck girls,

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