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🌠 Chapter 22: What do you think about love? 🌠

"Hey do you wanna play a game?" Matthew asked

"Hmmm" I responded

"20 questions?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively

I looked at him in pure amusement, 20 questions was to cliche for my liking
"Are you serious?"

"Yup" "oh and you must answer all the questions no exceptions"

I sighed, "you start then"

"What do you think about love?" He asked, his face just dimly lit against the dark night sky

I tensed up, rubbing my hands against my arms as the coldness started to seep in, love was a very sensitive topic for me, even though he's and now talking about it with Matthew made me feel more un-comfortable

"Do I have to answer that?" I said nonchalantly

"Yes you do" Matthew said as he threw a smirk in my direction

I took a deep longing breath "Well love for me is a challenge you have a choice of loving someone for all eternity or simply leaving them in a corner, you eventually have to chose your way out of it" I explained briefly, my heart hammering inside my chest as I spoke of love, my gaze no longer on Matthew, i tried to look everywhere but him, but curiosity got the best of me and looked back at him for his reaction,

Matthews gaze hardened onto mine, he was reading something as if he was trying to figure me out

Maybe I explained it to much, of course I had experienced it myself but all to once I was still damn scared of the four lettered word called 'love'

He then cleared his throat snapping me out of my deep thoughts,

"Your turn"

"Okay, well um..."

I thought hard, I need to ask him something personal as well, after a moment of thinking it finally occurred to me a question that needed an answer for so long

Letting my mind speak
"Have you ever loved a girl?"

He looked at me, confusion building up inside his head,

He then looked lost in thought, his face making all these expressions before it was left emotionless

I suddenly felt guilty

"You don't have to answer the question you know" I whispered quickly

He looked back at me "no"

He opened his mouth to speak but was cut of by a phone ringing,

Seeing as it was his own phone he grabbed it checking the ID caller for a second before excusing himself and with that he walked away but not to far

I sighed, well my question definitely still not answered, I checked my phone seeing it was still 9:30pm, I felt slightly out of place

Things can't change between us, me and Matthew, I made my decision long ago that I was not gonna let Matthew into my life again

Quickly cleaning up the food from burger king which included wrappers and a whole bunch of things into a bag I stood up folding the picnic mat,

I wanted to head home now,

Matthew came back after a while with his in-famous smirk, but it soon faltered as he looked at everything that was packed up

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