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This chapter is dedicated to siso150403 cause I love her...

🌠 Chapter 36: it's official 🌠

Dani's P.O.V

I rested my head on the soft hotel bed, after the intense water fight we did paper scissors rock to see who would sleep on the bed and who would sleep on the floor, I happened to win

Like do you see my awesome as skills right there

So now Matthews in the bathroom in the shower while I'm in some baby blue comfy cotton shorts and an oversized white shirt lying down on the bed

I sigh and make myself comfortable on the bed

"Why isn't this an amusing sight to see" Matthews voice says

I immediately shoot up and stare at him with a dirty glare, before I realize he's only got a towel hanging loosely on his hips, his hair is still wet from the shower and a few drops of water drizzled down his well-defined six-pack abs, I sat there gaping in awe of his body,

It sent my heart into overdrive


"Done checking me out?" he suddenly says curtly

I scoff un-attractively "I-I w-wasn't c-checking y-you o-out" I manage to stammer out

"Dani no need to deny it because we all know you can't ever get enough"

"I've seen better" I mutter

"Stop denying it swe- dani" again with sweetheart

"Fudging cocky" I mumble

"Dani F.U.*.K.I.N.G" he says warily

I grimaced slightly at the fact the he just spelt a freakin profanity
Then I felt my heart go fuzzy oh how my name rolls of his tongue

Get a grip dani

I shake my head clearing my previous thoughts, Matthew then suddenly grabs the towel from his hips making it drop to the floor, I instinctively cover my eyes with my hands shiz shiz shiz

I could hear Matthew chuckle
"Swe- dani I'm not naked" he says, whoa he almost said sweetheart

I peek through my hand and I realize he's just in boxers, I sigh in relief as my eyes would have been scared permanently

"this sucks" Matthew suddenly says as he tries to get comfortable in his sheets on the floor

I laugh as he scrambles on the floor, he finally places his head on the pillow "comfortable down there are we?" I tease

Matthew glares at me before resting his eyes, I lay back down and turn on my side to find a sleeping Matthew on the ground, I smile slightly trying to not let anymore memories come back,

I'm on the bed haha so much more comfier

Suddenly I feel something vibrate underneath me, i fumbled with the sheets before seeing my phone with a text message

Jazmine: 'Matani'

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, I was about to reply back when I got another text message

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