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🌠 Chapter 15: Girls and racing? 🌠

Dani's P.O.V

"Dani you never told us about him before!" Ven complained,
"Well now I have" I retorted

"Well guys, sorry um girls I may have to ask you to leave because Jordan's staying over" I said with a small smile

"But we kinda just got here" ven whined like a 5 year old, "I promise I'll tell you about it at school, I also wanted to say sorry cause you came all the way here for nothing" I said with a sigh

All of their faces drooped, jazmine stuck the middle finger towards me,

my eyes widened, this wasn't a surprise to me, jazmine's middle finger just always happens to be up

"could have been with Elijah right now" she mumbled, Gabrielle smacked the back of her head,

"Sorry" she said with a sweet smile, "jazmines just on her period right now" Gabrielle added, I nodded slowly

I turned to look at Jordan who was sheepishly smiling towards Juliana, I smirked and nudged him hard in his stomach

"f*ck" Jordan yelped, "great now that I have your attention, go talk to Annie or something" I said in my 'bossy' tone

Jordan mumbled profanities before making his way out my door, "so um talk" I said with hand gestures

There was a long silence, "oh the school ball is coming soon" Tracy said excitedly

The girls soon started buzzing about who their dates would be, and their dresses their makeup and all that girly stuff, Juliana was sitting on my swing chair, slowly swaying

I walked over to her, she noticed me standing there "hey" she said shyly "so um Jordan aye" I said looking for her reaction,

"J-orda-n" she stuttered "yes Jordan Jackson" I said with a playful glare, "so do you like him?" I asked "I don't know, I mean I just met him" she says looking down at her mismatched socks

"Oh he's not a player you know"
She looked up at me, her eyes showing 'what-are-you-talking-about-he-looks-like-damn-player'

"He's not!" I protested, she sighed "he probably doesn't like me anyways" my eyes widened

"Are you fudging kiddin me, he's in love with you!" I whisper yelled, her eyes widened as she took in every word I said, suddenly realizing what I said, I clamped my Hand over mouth,

I mumbled some incoherent words, "sorry, wasn't supposed to say that" I said whilst standing up from my kneeling position,

The other girls were still occupied with Their conversation, so luckily they didn't hear me, I clapped my hands and got their attention, "okay of you guys go, erm girls" I said with a shooing motion

They laughed and walked out and went down the staircase, the staircase is big that if we all stand in a line on one step we would all fit without being squished,

I found Jordan watching footy on the large flat screen T.V with a bag of chips,

"Okay bye girls!" "I promise to tell you what happened on Monday" I said with a wave, the last one to go out the door was Juliana, she turned to look at me 'worried' was written all over her face

"Hey don't worry" I whispered "if you say so" she replied, then I said aloud "BYE JULIANA"

Wait for it




Jordan's head snapped to the front door, I giggled and Juliana let out a small laugh, Jordan scratched the back of his neck, "uhhh, bye" he said with a small smile,

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