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🌠 Chapter 13: The truth and Surprises 🌠

Matthews P.O.V

Okay so I think that I have frightened dani a little, okay maybe a lot,
It was her fault though,

remind her to not sneak up and eavesdrop again,

This day has been wackadoo, there has been so much events that weren't supposed to happen, my plans keep backfiring,

After class I walked over to Dani's locker, now I'm going to ask her if we could go to maccas after school, oh and plus I'm paying for it,

Like who declines when I'm paying for it, yah know

I leaned against her locker and patiently waited for her presence, the bell soon rang, and the hallways started buzzing with people, I straightened my shirt and ran my hand through my hair

Girls were looking at me, and being the player I am, I winked back at them, I was little distracted by them and I didn't see dani, but I looked amongst the walking crowd, and there she was hiding

Way to go dani,

You just missed your locker

I couldn't tap her on her shoulder, or shout to her, so I ended up grabbing her waist and pulling her towards me,

She looked up at me with her large eyes, I felt a light pang again,
There was a weird tension between us that I couldn't describe, one of her strands of hair was out and I was tempted to tuck it behind her ear

Her eyes started turning glassy, tears were forming, i furrowed my eyebrows, she looked like she was about to cry

What was this, what was happening?

She pulled away from my now light grip and started sprinting away, I just stared at her as she ran away,

I scratched the back of my head and walked off, now I have to find ven and her friends, they could probably do something with this,

Dani's P.O.V

"it was 'him' again" I answered, I broke out in tears once again, Annie patted my back and hushed me

"Honey, I think its time we move," my mom said slowly,
I looked up at her and wiped my tears away
"I mean it's been 1year and you still haven't gotten over it" she adds

I nodded, she sighed "honey do you still like him?" She asked carefully

I didn't know, and I didn't think so anyways, it just always hurts my heart thinking about him, I don't want to ever like him again

I shook my head and waited for her response, "well..hmm...you know what when you feel like moving just tell me aye, I'm not going to force you"

I put on a small smile, my mom understood everything I've been through and she's always been there for me,

Annie gave me a small hug and whispered in my ear "bubs I need you to cheer up I'm going to make your favourite spaghetti later" she pulled away with a evil smile

I let out a soft giggle, Annie smiled and started making her way towards the kitchen, now it was just me and mom

"Dear what's holding you back from him?" She asked, I thought about it, right I don't want him to break vens heart

"Ven" I replied

"so he's going for ven now?" She asked questionly, I nodded

"Do you think he likes ven?, because she's a really pretty nice girl?"

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