Chapter 6

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After an hour or so of chatter Ann took her leave and Olivia announced she was going to a pay a visit to Rose's.

June went up to her father's room where she found him in bed, a damp cloth over his forehead and wrapped in blankets.

"Father, are you feeling all right?" June asked, peering in.

"No dear," he replied. "My stomach aches, I feel ill, my back hurts and I am cold and hot at the same time." Her father replied.

"I am sorry to hear that. What did Doctor Thorpe say?"

"He said it might be smallpox."

"What!" Cried June, shocked, scared and concerned all at once.

"He's an old fool though, what does he know?" Lord Turner grumbled.

"Father, how can you say that? Smallpox is awfully dangerous. I, I can't believe it! Oh father" June shook her head, looking at her father, usually so strong and jolly.

"Don't worry your head about it darling, I am sure it will pass." He offered her a strained smile and leaned back, letting his eyes flutter close.

"Oh father," June felt the tears before they came and soon enough she was sobbing and rushing over to her father's side.

"Careful dear, I don't want you to get infected," he said.

"Oh father," June put her head in her hands and wept, shaking with grief. "Please father, please get better." She said, looking up at him.

"I will dear, they won't take me without a fight." He laughed weakly and June remembered back to when she was five.

Her father picked her up, swinging her around in a circle.

They were in the field and it was late March. The snow had melted and it was unusually warm. June giggled and her let her down.

"Did you like that June?" He asked.

He was young, dark hair framed his broad smiling face and his mouth was formed into a wide grin.

"Fun!" June cried, running around in a circle and giggling. Her father laughed, a hearty sound like that of a church bell. His eyes crinkled when he laughed, the bright blue orbs sparkling like the ocean.

"Fun was it?" Her father hefted her up and tickled her stomach, causing her to erupt into spasms of laughter.

"Papa! Stop," she squirmed and he laughed.

She could feel his belly move when he laughed. In fact, she could feel his whole body shake with it.

"Come now June, I have a surprise for you." Her father said, setting her down and taking her hand.

"What is it?" June asked, bouncing along his side.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

"Well," June furrowed her brow, considering this before replying very solemnly. "I didn't know it was coming until know so if you told me would be a surprise that you told me." He laughed loudly and June pouted.

"Yes lass, I suppose you are right but I don't have to tell you. Here we are." He said and they stopped in front of a groom who was holding the reins of a small grey pony. June squealed in delight when she saw it, running up to it and throwing her arms around its neck.

"Its beautiful!" She cried.

"Do you like it?" Her father asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Oh papa I love it!" She said, beaming.

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