Chapter 4

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June shook her head.

"What ever is between your brother and you shall pass. He cares about you, he really does." She said softly but Henrietta only started to sob.

"Miss June, listen to me. If you let me go I shall never bother you again."

"Henrietta, that is hardy the point. Please come back with me."

"No." Henrietta replied and started to dash for the carriage. June attempted to follow but it was early impossible to run. Shivering and disappointed she returned to the house.

"Did you find her?" Lord Graham appeared at her side the moment she entered the room.

"I did. But she ran away. She's going to her aunt Mary's." June said sadly.

"What!" Marcus exploded, causing several other guests to look at him sharply. "Why?" He lowered his voice to an angry hiss and drew her towards a corner of the room.

"I was speaking with her and she ran."

"We mustn't let her go!"

"We know where she is going. Can't you go and fetch her in the morning?"

"Blast it," Marcus muttered and bit his lower lip.

"Why don't you want her to go?" June asked, ignoring the profanity.

"She is not well. She mustn't go to Lancashire."

"Surely she will not come to much harm there."

"I appreciate your help in this matter Miss June. I shall go and fetch her in the morning."

"Ladies and gentlemen, supper is served." Phillip announced suddenly and the party moved into the large dining room.

June was seated next to Ann O'Connor and a slim young gentleman with fiery red hair and a nervous way of twitching his nose every now and then.

"Miss June Taylor I presume." The man said in stiff, abrupt tones.

"I am. And you are?"

"Sir Gregory Cusworth."

"Sir Gregory, it is a pleasure."

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Phillip said at the head of the table, raising a wine glass. "I would like to wish a very happy early birthday to my dear wife. Lady Ada Taylor." Phillip Taylor said and the room applauded.

"I didn't know it was her birthday," June murmured to herself.

"It isn't. Not until December 2nd." Miss O'Connor replied quietly.

"Oh." June glanced sideways at her.

"I miss England." Miss O'Connor sighed.

"How long do you plan to stay here for Miss O'Connor?" June inquired.

"Until Easter. And please call me Ann."

"I hope you enjoy your stay here Ann."

"Thank you. I am sure I will."

"Miss June, I heard of the tragic passing of Lord Alden. I am most sorry." Sir Cusworth said to June, his nose twitching.

"Thank you Sir Cusworth, indeed, it was very tragic." She replied, her voice dripping with false distress.

"He was my wife's brother."

"Indeed, I am most sorry for her as well. You wife is Lady Penelope than?" June asked with an overly attentive countenance.

"She is."

"Ahh," there was an uncomfortable silence for a moment which was broken by Ann.

"Miss June, that colour looks very lovely on you." She said.

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