Chapter 8

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"Can you be sure?" Olivia asked, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders.

They were both seated on June's bed, cocooned in the thick blanket like they did when they were children. The only light in the room was from the fire and it cast shadows on the faces of the two sisters.

"Of course I can be, silly," June replied, "how can I not be?"

"But love is a rather serious business, isn't it?"

"Of course. I know that I have never felt this way before and I doubt I ever will."

"But June, surely you must be mistaken. You've only known him for a week."

"I only know one thing Livvie; I love Lord Graham and there isn't anything you or anyone else can do about it."

"I shan't try to do anything but are you absolutely sure?"

"Of course I am. Have I ever claimed to love anyone before?"

"No, but,"

"But what?" June signed dramatically. "Come now Livvie, you know as well as I that I am not one for silly romantic antics. I really and truly believe that I am in love."

"Oh June, I hope it is so!" Olivia said excitedly. She was a little too loud for June's liking so June swatted her arm.

"Keep your voice down goose. D'you want to wake the whole house up?"

"Sorry, but it's awfully exciting," Olivia giggled and June couldn't help herself; she giggled as well.

"Oh Livvie, can you believe it? Me, in love? Isn't it absurd!" She laughed loudly.

"What happened to being quiet?"

"You can't be quiet if you're in love! I quite believe I shall go mad with it," June laughed again.

"He seems such a handsome and charming man," Olivia sighed wistfully.

"Oh he is! And you know what?"


"He kissed me," June said and nodded seriously.

"Oh June! But-what-when?" Olivia gasped.

"Last night. And Olivia I tell you that it is the most wonderful feeling being kissed by the man you love! Most wonderful. And I shall let him do it again!"
"Oh June, I cannot believe you would let a gentleman do such a thing!"

"But why ever not Olivia? We're going to marry," June said, her smile broad.

"Has he proposed?"


"Than how do you know?"

"I know because, well, the way he kissed me was so, so, so, well, I don't know. So something. And I feel so happy when I'm with him, actually, happy isn't the right word. It's more than happiness. Pure and utter joy I suppose."

"That's wonderful June, I only hopes it works out."

"What do you mean? Why shouldn't it?"

"I have a confession to make," Olivia began but the door opened and Lady Taylor appeared, white faced. She was in her dressing robe and her eyes were red.

"Girls," she began.

"Is it father? Is he all right?" June asked, instantly scared.

"He's much worse," Lady Taylor said, stumbling into the room and sitting down on the armchair.

"Oh mama." Both girls sat up and hurried to their mother's side.

"Doctor Thorpe's been called for but," Lady Taylor wiped her eyes again, a great sob raking her frame.

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