Chapter 1

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June Taylor was not exceptionally beautiful by any means. In fact, she was fairly plain.

The thing that made her so appealing to the gentlemen was her air of self-confidence and lively nature. She was an optimist and had a charming air about her that wasn't like the other girls. She had been the belle of the ball until she became engaged.

It was at the end of her season and though she had many suitors, none of them met her father's approval.

When the Earl of Hardwick came along he won both her hand and her father's approval. Unfortunately for June, the Earl was a complete and utter nightmare. He was shorter than her and he had about him an air of self-pity and a sickly habit of fawning over June at every turn. They had been engaged since October and it was now nearing the end of November. Wedding plans were in progress and June had often contemplated running away.

But on the evening of November twenty third the Taylor family received the news that changed everything.

"June," her father said to her as she sat reading in the drawing room. "June, I have some awful news."

"What is it father?" She asked, looking up from her book and fixing him with an angelic countenance.

"I am afraid that dear Lord Alden has died in an accident."

"Oh dear, what happened?" June asked, her spirits lifting despite the awful news.

"He was hit by a carriage in London," Lord Turner said gravely.

"How unfortunate."

"June dear, I know you were not especially fond of him but you must pretend to be distraught. You will go into mourning for awhile, as is expected."

"But father, I hardly knew Lord Alden."

"It matters not. You must mourn for at least two weeks."

"As you wish father," June said humbly and stood up. "I think I shall retire." She announced before turning away and gracefully ascending the staircase up to her room.

"June dear, where are you going?" Olivia interrupted her before she was halfway down the hall.

Olivia was June's younger sister by two years. She was much smaller than June herself and had a dreamy and kind demeanour.

"I am going to retire. I have just heard that my betrothed was killed by a carriage." June said and Olivia's eyes grew wide.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed, blinking owlishly. "I am awfully sorry."

"Don't be. He was a silly man and though I regret he died in such a manner I am sure I will be better off without him."

"Oh June, how can you say that? He was to be your husband!"

"Olivia, if you had been in my position I am sure you would feel the same way as I."

"I am sure I wouldn't." Olivia said resolutely.

"Oh hush you silly goose. Besides, where are you going at this hour dressed like that?" June eyed her sister's dark pink evening dress and pearl necklace.

"Rose and I are attending the opera."

"At eight?"

"Yes. It starts at half past so I must rush. Good bye," Olivia said and hurried off down the stairs. June sighed and continued the short journey to her room. She opened the door and found, to her satisfaction that her maid Violet had laid out her nightgown. Without any assistance June managed to change out of her confining corset and petticoats and into the soft garment that lay on the warm bed. She brushed out her thick brown ringlets and observed her face in the mirror with some consideration.

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