Chapter 14

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The day after the supper party June was taken ill with her monthly courses and bouts of dizziness and stomach pains overtook her. She stayed in bed that day, reading and sleeping. Olivia kept her company some of the day but than decided to go back to the orphanage where they were both due. While she was gone Rebecca delivered a letter from Lord Graham. June left it lying on her bedside for the better part of an hour, fearing what lay inside. Finally she opened it and pulled out the note which was short and to the point.

Dear Miss June,

It was lovely to see you yesterday and I am sorry if my words caused you any discomfort. I assure you that I have only good intentions and would be delighted and honoured if you would come to Wigham Park this Saturday at a half past three.

Sincerely and affectionately,

Lord Marcus Graham

June sighed, folding the letter up again and placing it back on her bedside. She'd have to consider his offer carefully. One part of her leapt at an opportunity to be in Lord Graham's company again. Another part was wary; wary that he was playing and this was all a ruse set up by Ruth. She also felt tired, tired of this giddy feeling that she thought was love. Tired of feeling like a nest of snakes had been released into her stomach and being tongue tied in his presence. She was confused and didn't know what to think or do. She lay back, closing her eyes against the bright afternoon sun that leaked in through the curtains.

When Olivia returned June sat up, wiping her eyes.

"How was the orphanage?" She asked as her sister sat down on the small armchair.

"Well enough, though they missed you," she said, slipping her shoes off and tucking her feet under her.

"I wish I could've come," June said truthfully.
"They did too. What did you do while I was gone?"
"I slept. I also received a letter from Lord Graham."

"Oh yes? What did it say?" June read it and afterwards her sister was silent. "Are you going to go on Saturday?" Olivia asked finally.

"I'm not sure. I feel so, so tired Liv."

"Tired of him?"
"Not exactly. Just tired. Tired of being constantly charming, tired of trying to ensnare him. I want to stop but I fear that if I do he'll find someone else."

"Maybe it would be best if he did."
"Perhaps. A part of me doesn't want to see him go."
"And if this is all on Ruth's doing? What if it is all a guise?"
"Than I am an idiot."

"Oh June, the heart works in mysterious ways and I am sure you will decide on what's best for you."

"So do you think I should go?"
"Yes. Go and see if you can figure out what he's playing at." There was silence as June contemplated the coverlet before speaking.

"Olivia," she said. Her sister looked up, so wide eyed and innocent that June hated herself for asking it.

"Are you and Lord Hanley," she paused, chewing her lip. "Are you and Lord Hanley lovers?" She asked, watching her sister closely for a reaction. Her sister's eyes grew wider if possible and pink flooded her cheeks.

"June, I, no!" She said, clearly flustered.

"Olivia," June said steadily, looking at her sister. "I saw you last night and I want the truth."

"We're in love," Olivia sighed, slumping further back into her chair.

"You're in love? What, has he expressly told you this?"
"Yes he has."

"Olivia," June sighed; her sister was so innocent. "Olivia, what you must understand is that his intentions may not be honourable."
"You have every reason to think that. I know that he loves me though."

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