Chapter 23

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I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I've always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband.

-Little Richard

For the remainder of the day and evening, June did her best to ignore Lord Graham and spent as much time as she could with Theodore. Every private moment they had, he would kiss her, pulling apart as soon as it had started. June wanted more though. She was so in love with him, it hurt.

That night at the ball she left the ballroom, waiting in the small anti room. He would join her a few moments later and he would hold her against the wall, kissing her lips, her neck, her collarbone. She would inhale the smell of cinnamon that surrounded him.

His lips tasted of mint and sugar, refreshing her and comforting her. After a few moments she would reappear in the ballroom, he would closely follow and no one would be the wiser.

Until the last time.

It was around half past ten and Theodore and June were in the anti room, June's arms wrapped around Theodore's neck, his hands on the wall behind her when the door opened and Phillip stepped in. They broke apart, Theodore whirling around, his moustache had fallen off and his hair was rumpled.

"June!" Her brother looked livid. "What the Hell do you think you are doing?"

"What I want," she replied.

"Who the devil is this?" Phillip glared at Theodore, clearly struggling not to strike him. "You are that count aren't you? But, your moustache," his eyes narrowed.

"I am Theodore Wilder, Sir Taylor," Theodore said, taking June's hand.

"You're the valet," Phillip's blue eyes nearly burned through him. "What are you doing with my sister?"

"Kissing me, what does it look like?" June stepped in, just as angry. "For God's sake Phillip I am not a child, I will make my own choices and you shall not make them for me!"

"You are seventeen, still a child June. You clearly do not know what is good for you."

"I shall be eighteen in a week, Phillip, and I shall not have my life ruled by you or mother. I shall not be ordered around, nor shall I be forced to marry a monster like Lord Graham."

"June you are being unreasonable and pigheaded."

"Pigheaded? Pigheaded? Me! You're the one going around like you're the bloody king! If you're so fond of Lord Graham why don't you marry him!" June bit back tears; she would not cry in front of Phillip.

"June, we are going home right now," Phillip said and grabbed her hand but she stayed her ground.

"Phillip you cannot order me around like that."

"Yes I can June, I am three years older thank you, and your brother. Mother will not be pleased to hear of your behaviour."

"And you would tell her, wouldn't you? Trying to seek mother's affection? You are a silly little boy Phillip," June said and stormed out of the room, too angry to care where she was going until she ran straight into someone.

"Miss June?" It was Sir McCarthy, looking concerned.

"Sir McCarthy, I beg your pardon," she said, trying to hurry past him,

"Wait June, I wanted to say I am sorry," he said.

"For what?"

"You must marry Lord Graham and that is unfortunate. I wish you the best, he is not like his sister."

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