Chapter 24

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Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.

-Elvis Presley

June avoided her parents that night and went straight to bed. Her sister was already asleep when June climbed into the next bed, her mind reeling. Her brother was changed and she didn't like it. He was like a beast, temperamental and unpredictable. She could still feel his cold hand on her cheek, his hard eyes looking from under his dark curls. He had scared her, even the thought of him did. She curled under her blankets more tightly, trying desperately to get warm.

She fell asleep that night more confused than before.

When she awoke it was to an empty room. Her sister's bed was made and the curtains were drawn, revealing a grey snowy morning with the sun doing her best to peer from behind her cloudy veil. June burrowed deeper into the covers, closing her eyes and willing herself to fall asleep again, back into dreams where she was free to do what she wanted.

Her peace did not last long, however. There was a knock on the door and Lucie's loud voice carried through the wood.

"Are you awake Miss June? It's getting late and your mother wishes to see you!"
"Come in Lucie," June sighed.

"Good morning Miss," Lucie smiled and stepped in, a basin of water in her hands. "Would you like to wash?"

"Yes please, and pull my red day dress out," June stood up and moved over the basin, splashing the warm water on her face.

"Miss Olivia is feeling better you'll be glad to hear, she joined your mother for breakfast."

"Yes, that is good news. What kind of mood does my mother seem to be in?"

"I couldn't tell, she wasn't exactly jolly but she never seems to be."

"Did she seem particularly mad though?"

"No, I don't think so," Lucie withdrew the dress and lay in on the bed. "Are you read to dress?"

"Yes, thank you," June dressed in silence and fixed her hair before heading downstairs to the drawing room where the whole of her family sat.

"Good morning June," her mother smiled cooly. "I hope you slept well. You were tired last night."

"I slept very well, thank you." June sat down and helped herself to a scone on the table.

"Do you plan on going to Lady Martyn's tea?" Lord Taylor asked and Olivia replied:

"Oh yes, Lady Martyn is quite a sweet old thing, very kind."

"Indeed, we will be coming along," Lord Taylor said and the conversation continued on, much to June's surprise and relief. She looked at her brother who looked darkly irritated as he sipped his tea. Ada smiled at June and she felt another wave of gratitude towards her sister in law. She must have convinced Phillip to keep his large mouth closed.

"What shall you do with the rest of your day June?" her grandfather asked.

"I said I would go with Henrietta and Lady Barclay to Harrods," June lied. She needed to go away for a while, to breath and reflect.

"I said I'd meet them at half ten," she said, looking at the clock. The aforementioned time was three quarters of an hour and June was already itching to go.

"Isn't Lady Barclay a delightful woman, her husband was a dear friend," Ada said, adopting the prim tone that had alway irritated June.

"Yes, I have grown more fond of her," she replied, standing up. "I should go now, I do not wish to be late. I'll return about one," she smiled and left the room, taking her cloak and a small coin purse with her.

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