Confused and Afraid

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"...-at have I done? Perhaps I should just..."

A deep voice lulled you from your sleep, and a rough moan gurgled from your throat. Your muscles ached, and your eyes and mouth felt completely dry. Though nothing felt worse than the constant throbbing at the back of your head and under your chin. Another moan escaped you as you blinked slowly, trying to get a sense of where you were.

"Ah, I see you've finally decided to wake up."

Hearing the voice again, you briefly toyed with the thought that you were in heaven, happily dead for eternity. But when you tried to sigh, pressure welled up in your chest and you went into a coughing fit. It hurt terribly, and soon your throat felt scarred and on fire.

Besides, wouldn't you need your soul in order to go to heaven?

"Oh dear. Here, drink this. It will help soothe your cough."

You almost declined, not wanting to trust the voice. Your need for a remedy overwhelmed your stubbornness, though, and your cracked lips parted the tiniest bit. Something cold prodded at your lips, which you immediately recognized as a straw. You took it eagerly, sipping the room temperature fluid down before greedily gulping it.


"Not so fast, you'll only hurt yourself more."

You began to trust the voice, and stopped your large gulps. The life source was taken from you too soon, and you grunted in protest. Fortunately, you felt better. Maybe the voice wasn't so bad...

"There, now, can you speak?"

You blinked, and reached up to rub your eyes. Slowly, cold and pale fingers curled in front of you, and it took a moment for you to realize they belonged to you. What had happened to you?

"Wh-where am...I?" You asked slowly, fearful that you might go into another coughing fit. As a result, your voice is hoarse and croaking like a toad.

" For now."

After a few more blinks you could finally make out your surroundings. It was all...white. Plain, white walls. Though, the room wasn't bright, having an odd shadow of gray engulfing it. Your toes curled and you shifted in discomfort. Where were you? What is this place? The creaking of the bed beneath you did nothing to alleviate your anxiety.

"Why am Wh-who are you..??"

Fear began to take over your being. You shouldn't be here. This wasn't your bed. This wasn't your bedchamber. There was an unknown man beside you.

This was not home.

A scream built up inside you, but before you released it, you were smothered by a pillow. The fact that the unkown figure was muffling your screech of help scared you further. The crippling pain you felt was the only thing that stopped you.

"Please relax. I do not mean to harm you in any way. I brought you here to protect you from the Others, which I see you don't remember encountering." The voice sounded annoyed.

Once the pillow was taken away, you felt the tears streaming down your face. Great, just great. You felt weak... You had to trust this man. That was your only option, wasn't it? You wiped away the tears as quickly as you could and turned your head to the direction of the voice.

You almost choked once you laid eyes on being who supposedly wasn't going to harm you.

"No...I remember..." Your throat clogged again, though this time it was in anger. "I...can't trust Demon!"

You did remember, how those two monsters chased you out of the city and into those dense woods. How you were played with. How you were sure you died.

How could you be any safer here?


His bright crimson eyes widened, shocked at how easily it was for this girl to know this information. Merely a glance to him had anger and helplessness spill forth, and in a way he was insulted.

Did he look that repulsive?

He shook his head slightly, staring at the girl with a mixture of irritation and awe.

"Yes, though I suggest you call me by my given name - Sebastian. You have nothing to worry about me, I assure you. I have a master."

Whose soul is much more delectable than yours~. He almost added, as he knew his words did nothing to soothe her. Why was he trying to soothe her anyway? Why was he protecting her at all?

He had no idea, but it didn't feel wrong.

"Fine, Sebastian... How am I know you're not just trying to into being a willing m-meal? Isn't your master displeased that you...have another human in the..." She trailed off, looking around quizzically. She really had no idea where she was, who she was messing with, and yet that did little to stop her from telling him off.

Was she trying to get killed?

He sighed and stood up from the chair he had situated beside his bed, where he had kept her unconscious body company for the past three days.

"Manor. My master has no knowledge of your existence at this time. I was hoping you would be more compliant with me when you awoke." He sneered, but quickly turned it into a fake smile. "Go back to sleep, Perhaps you should let your mind calm down. I shall explain later..."

He covered her mouth and nose with his gloved hand, making sure she tried to breathe in. Her cries were muffled, and disappeared after a short time. As he took a a step back, however, the image was seared into his mind.

The image of a broken girl with desperate (e/c) eyes.

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