[Chapter 19:]

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If anyone would have asked me how my day would have ended I wouldn't have said riding in a car with Ansel on the way to meet my parents.

But that's exactly what was happening...and I didn't know what to make of it.

I mean, it was good he was getting a chance to redeem himself, but it also going to be really awkward since they walked in on us...well...fulfilling our agreement to each other.

I cringed, definitely going to be awkward.

Ansel sighed as we came to a red light, "I'm nervous."

You're nervous? Thanks Ansel that's reassuring.

His hand was stroking my thigh absentmindedly and I sighed in contentment, but also in worry.

"Don't be nervous," I reassured him quietly, trying to calm my own rapid heartbeat. Ella had opted to ride with Kim and Jay to the restaurant as opposed to us, which was shocking and surprised me. "You're amazing, you have nothing to be nervous about."

It wasn't a lie. Whenever he was around he made me...calmer somehow. And if he was nervous, then I'd get even more nervous.

"If you get nervous, then I'll get even more nervous." I murmured to myself not aware that he was still listening.

Noah was back, Ansel was back, and he's going to dinner with my parents and my messy ass bestfriends? This was not how I planned for any of this to go.

The whole day put me on edge.

He looked over at me with a wary smile, "The great and powerful Sage, Nervous?" He scoffed and I laughed lightly before he continued seriously, "What's going on beautiful? Talk to me. Why are you nervous?"

Oh you know the usual reasons...my crazy dying ex wants to see his daughter, then stressing over the fact that I like you, no big deal though...

I laced my fingers with his right hand while his other hand stayed put on the wheel, "We're going to dinner with my parents Ansel...and i'm freaking out because this was not how this was supposed to go..."

But then again, when had my life gone as planned since he entered it?

He squeezed my hand, "Not how dinner was supposed to go?"

"No, not how you were supposed to be meeting my parents for the second time." I sighed, "I mean to be honest, you weren't supposed to meet them at all." I answered seriously.

A small but visible frown marred his face as he looked at me, "And why is that?"

Oh please don't do this...

"It's just that...ugh....i don't know." I shrugged and looked away from him, "I don't bring men around my parents, and you, being you...and then us, being us...we just...there are going to be a lot of questions tonight."I finally managed to choke out, "And they are going to want to know what the nature of our relationship is and I don't know how i'm going to handle it."

He grinned and raised my hand to his lips, "Tell them you're mine."


I laughed and gave him a look, "You want me to do what?"

He made it seem like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Tell them you're my girlfriend, and that I'm your boyfriend." I squinted at him and he chuckled, "It works. It stops everybody from wondering and now I can kiss you in public."

I blushed and crossed my arms over my chest, "That is not a solution. My mom knows when I'm lying to her, and so does my dad."

The whole plan was flawed from every angle. If I pretended to be with him, then that would only mess with my subconscious, and I would be in too deep with him.

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