[Chapter 5:]

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Three days later, I sat frustrated at work answering emails and making calls for my boss. I hated days that didn't require for me to show homes.

   Today was one of those rare days.

 I sighed smoothing out the lapel of my shirt. I'd been stuck in the office all after my boss went on maternity leave, and her replacement wouldn't be here till tomorrow.

   Leaving me in charge....by myself. Cue another sigh.

    But surprisingly, that had been the only damper in my week. I felt happier and lighter at work. And I had tried to be friendly with most of the staff at work.

   I'd tried to convince myself that this wasn't because of a 'certain somebody'.

    I sat back and continued to tap away at the keyboard. The only thing keeping me busy was confirming Ansel's offer for the house. Since Saturday I'd tried to keep my thoughts of him to a strict minimum. I really didn't need to get hung up on him, he was just a silly crush. He wasn't even my type. I mean sure he was one of the sexiest guys— no scratch that, he was the sexiest man I'd ever come into contact with, but that didn't mean I actually wanted to be with him.

   Hell no.

He was like a severely overgrown man-child. A sexy, sensual, seductive—


  Well there goes not letting my thoughts stray.

I pressed a clammy hand to my forehead suddenly feeling hot.

Get over it!

I shook my head and went back to answering buyer and seller emails until I saw one that caught my eye. It was an email from the owner of Ansel's beachy dream house. A little rush of excitement flitted through my veins as I clicked to open it. After a quick scan of the email, I smiled happily. The owner was willing to lower the price to a smooth four million, and as soon as the bank could run Ansel's credentials, and he could sign off on a mortgage, the house would be all his.

   I eyed the phone on the corner of my office desk while chewing my lip. I suppose I should call him. I looked at it again, and then to my watch. 1:15. Eh, he could wait my lunch break was calling me. Plus getting roped into a conversation with him, even over the phone would leave me flustered and fucked up for the rest of the day.

   But another thing was on my mind, who the heck was he actually paying for this house? My fingers twitched with the urge to Google him, but that wouldn't be right. Would it? My fingers twitched again and I finally gave into the urge to just do it. I quickly pulled up the page.

   Now what do I do?

Hmmm...his name was pretty uncommon. Searching 'Ansel Callahan Malibu' seemed like a good place to start. I typed it in to the search bar note prepared for what I might find. Million of suggestions cam up. Facebook pages, Spokeo pages, linked-in pages, but at the very top was a Wikipedia page for Ansel Callahan.

   He has his own Wikipedia page?!

  Lamar was a lawyer too...did he have his own Wikipedia page?

    Without a second thought I clicked on it pulling on my pair of dorky reading glasses to see better.  There was a picture of him, clad in a dark navy suit in a courtroom, with a serious expression on his face the top of the page. And even with his serious expression and dark rimmed glasses he looked smart, and sexy.

    Ansel Callahan

   Born: October 15th 1980 (age 34); Berlin, Germany

   Siblings: 2

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