[Chapter 26:]

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[CW: abuse/miscarriages]

It was around seven when Ansel came to my house with pizza and just about every other junk food known to man.

       Thank God he was a severe foodie just like me.

Since he'd come through the front door, we'd been on autopilot around each. Only greeting with a kiss on the cheek and a fleeting hey.

I was nervous to be around him after nearly a week apart, not only because I hadn't been in his presence in a long time, but also because I had a gift for him. One that he could turn away and efficiently break my heart, or one that he could embrace and make me the happiest girlfriend in the world,

    Hopefully the latter.

He looked between the two of us, "What movie am I gonna watch with my two favorite girls in the whole world?"

Ella picked all of the movies tonight, and I giggled, awaiting what his reaction would be.

"My favorite movie in the whole universe, Sully!" Ella bounced excitedly around the room, "We're watching Home!"

     Which was in fact, one of the cutest movies in the world.

Ansel didn't skip a beat as he bent down to her level, "I've never seen it before, darling," he wrapped her up in a short hug as she grinned ear to ear, "But I'm sure it's awesome."

She was in shock as she stomped her foot, "You haven't seen Home? Sully it's the best movie ever! You gotta see it now!"

"Ella, he'll see it in just a second," His warm blue eyes flicked up to meet mine and I couldn't help but get lost in them, "Why don't you go wash your hands before we eat, okay?"

She nodded eagerly and bounced away.

    Stop being weird around him...

I took the pizza from him wordlessly as he followed me into the kitchen. The second I put the box down I could feel his cool breath on the back of my neck. His hands were lazily tracing shapes onto my arms, and I could feel myself turning into a puddle of goo as the seconds ticked by.

    I side stepped him as my face flushed embarrassingly, "Don't do that."

    Not when you look and smell that good, and I haven't seen you all week. You are asking to get jumped.

    "What am I doing, Sage?" His eyebrow arched in amusement as he reached out to grab my waist, "You expect me to stand here and not touch you after a week of not being able to see you?" he tilted my chin up and my eyes met his. The azure spheres were easy to get lost in, and after a moment, any coherent thought I had was gone too. My eyes drifted to his lips as he began to speak, "I missed you" he breathed in deeply and my eyes closed the second he grabbed my ass, Very, very much."

    Goosebumps prickled against my skin, and I couldn't stop the small grin that made it's way up to my lips. I Shook my head, "Bullshit." he chuckled wrapped his arms around my waist, "You didn't miss me, you just want to get laid."

    I mean I wouldn't complain if he wanted to...but....

"Lies." He kissed my cheek and drew back, "I missed you like crazy this week. Everything is just a mess right now, from speaking to the officers about the break in, and this damn case I took on at work."

    "Are you okay?" he closed his eyes and sighed as I smoothed out his unruly hair, "Who do I need to beat up?" I teased.

"I'll be alright, baby." He then laughed, "And let's leave the fighting the bad guys thing to me," His head rested against my shoulder, "But enough of the heavy for right now, you know I missed this ass of yours too." He smacked my cheek and I jumped before pushing him away.

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