[Chapter 2:]

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"I mean it was just so unexpected you know?" Kim asked dreamily staring off into space.

After Kimberly's groundbreaking news, much to her urging I quickly rushed to her house the next day after work with a tub of Ben & Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough to indulge in a bit of girl talk while Ella watched Doc McStuffins' and played with Coco on the floor in front of us.

"Are you sure you're ready for this Kim? This is a big step, and I don't want to see you get hurt." I said while watching her expression. I was honestly trying my hardest not to come off as a jealous bitch.

But in all honesty, I was a jealous bitch.

An extremely jealous bitch.

After an hour of listening to her go on about how he made her take the day off, and sent her on a scavenger hunt around the city, only to end up on beach where he proposed in the most romantic way possible, I was feeling really freaking bummed out.

Kim rolled her eyes taking another spoonful from her bowl of ice-cream.

"I love him a lot Sage, and I know he loves me. He's actually one of the few decent men out there and the world and I'm glad that he's all mine." She replied seriously. And I knew then that she would go through with this. I mean, I really had nothing to worry about. I knew Lamar was going to take good care of her. It was basically like they were already married now. They lived together in a super posh house, paid a mortgage, and even had a small dog named Coco.

But, if he hurt her...that would be another story.

Me being the jealous, worry-wart I was asked the worst possible question.

"Are you sure you're ready for something like this?"

She gave me a stony look.

"When have I ever not been sure of something?" She asked sarcastically.

I blanched. Point taken.

I took a spoonful of her ice-cream from her bowl with my spoon to lighten the air, and she nearly stabbed my fingers off in the process.

"Hey that's my ice-cream you bitch!" She said grinning as a small smile tugged on her lips. I popped the cold spoon into my mouth licking away the contents. Yummy.

"Soo...when is this grand wedding of yours gonna' take place?" I asked trying to change the subject. Her eyes went wide, and she flew over to her computer in a frenzy, pushing aside books and papers. I smiled, but somewhere in the back of my head I was still jealous.

When would my time come?

I was praying sooner rather than later. Ella deserved to have a father figure in her life.

"We have so much work to do Sage! I have to get dresses, and flowers!" She rambled on and I laughed hopping off her couch, and making my way to her kitchen for some water.

"Ellie?" I heard her call. "Don't you want to be aunty Kimmy's flower girl?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice trying to rope my daughter into her upcoming nuptial plans. I didn't hear Ella's reply as I grabbed a glass from her cabinet, pouring a glass of water from her tap. I took a sip, but was drawn to the inviting smell coming from Kim's oven.

"Hey kim..." I opened her oven and peeked inside where several pans covered in foil lined the bottom.

"Are you cooking for somebody?" I asked curiously peeking into the foil covered dish.

"Just for Lamar, and some of his work friends. They should be here anytime now." She paused, and stood from her laptop. "You are staying for dinner right?." I froze as she brushed past me to take the pans one by one out of the oven.. Intruding on their little love bubble wasn't exactly how I envisioned spending my Friday night, especially if his work friends were going to be here.

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